Unit 6

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a belief or an idea that is not based on correct information, or that is not understood by people
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misconception about sth
frequently held misconceptions about the disease
in a way that cannot be understood or explained
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She inexplicably withdrew the offer.
(formal, literary) a thing that somebody does that is usually very good or very bad
czyn, uczynem (np. dobry, zły)
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It's a stirring tale of heroic deeds.
(formal) to accept and act according to a law, an agreement, etc.
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to abide by sth
You'll have to abide by the rules of the club.
to do what you are told or expected to do
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to obey sth
He was arrested when he failed to obey a police instruction to stop.
to refuse to let somebody be a member of a social group; to refuse to meet or talk to somebody
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to ostracize sb
He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.
(of animals) to have sex and produce young
to keep animals or plants in order to produce young ones for a particular purpose
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to breed
a child of a particular person or couple
the young of an animal or plant
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that is true and cannot be disagreed with or denied
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The report should distinguish clearly between indisputable fact, firm opinion and mere speculation.
umacniać, wzmacniać, popierać
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to reinforce
an argument between two people, groups or countries; discussion about a subject on which people disagree
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a dispute
that can be believed or trusted
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a credible explanation/witness
happening by chance in an interesting or pleasant way
sprawiający miłą niespodziankę
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serendipitous discoveries
showing clear thought and good understanding of what is important, and the ability to express this
wnikliwy, cięty, przenikliwy
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incisive comments/criticism/analysis He had a clear, incisive mind.
worry or fear that something unpleasant may happen
lęk, obawa
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There is growing apprehension that fighting will begin again.
(of a slope, hill, etc.) rising or falling quickly, not gradually
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odlutny, samotny
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a lone sailor crossing the Atlantic
the main part of something; most of something
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the bulk of sth
The great bulk of the work has now been done.
to gain something by your own efforts, ability or behaviour
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to acquire sth
She has acquired a good knowledge of English.
to take the place of something/somebody that is considered to be old-fashioned or no longer the best available
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to be superseded by sth
The theory has been superseded by more recent research.
the most important or difficult part of a problem or an issue
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the crux of sth
Now we come to the crux of the matter.
to spread information, knowledge, etc. so that it reaches many people
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to disseminate sth
Their findings have been widely disseminated.
​to stop somebody/something from doing something, especially by using physical force
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to restrain sb/sth
The prisoner had to be restrained by the police. They have obtained an injunction restraining the company from selling the product.
the fact of doing something in a quiet or secret way
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The government was accused of trying to introduce the tax by stealth.
doing things quietly and secretly; done quietly and secretly
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a stealthy movement
to exist in great numbers or quantities
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to abound
Stories about his travels abound.
fresh and clean, as if new
nieskazitelny, nieskazitelnie czysty
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The car is in pristine condition.
allowed to know about something secret
tajemniczony w coś
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privy to sth
She was not privy to any information contained in the letters.

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