Unit 4 Telling the TIME

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What time is it?
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What time is it? in inglese
Która godzina?
What time is it now?
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What time is it now? in inglese
Która jest teraz godzina?
What time is the concert?
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What time is the concert? in inglese
O której godzinie jest koncert?
Let me check.
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Niech sprawdzę.
It's at half past five.
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Jest o wpół do szóstej.
a quarter to six
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kwadrans do szóstej
a quarter past eight
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kwadrans po ósmej
from five o'clock to six o'clock
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od piątej do szóstej
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przed południem; rano (np. godzina piąta rano; skrót od łac. 'ante meridiem'
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po południu (np. godzina piąta po południu; skrót od łac. 'post meridiem')

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