Unit 3a, english- english 1

 0    23 schede    Marta_C
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a proposal, terms of which are certain
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an unconditional agreement to what is proposed by the other party
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a person who makes an offer
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a decision of a judge in an earlier case that other judges must follow if the circumstances of the situation are the same or similar
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a set of arguments in a situation that might become legal or is already legal in nature
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a legal agreement made between two or more parties
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that you must do something; it is necessary to do it
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absolute, without any doubts or suggestions of change
no good
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an informal way of saying not suitable or acceptable
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the who have entered into a contract or the people involved in a dispute
courts of first instance
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courts at the lowest level of decision-making
common law
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one of the sources of law in England and USA
ratio decidendi
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the reasoning behind the judge's decision
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written down, entered into a database
obiter dictum
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something that is not really necessary for the legal basis for the decision
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different from something else (from a previous precedent)
a pronouncement
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an old- fashioned word meaning a judge's words at the end of a case giving his or her decision
a body of laws
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a collection of laws
a source of law
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a place where law comes from, for example a civil code
a principle of law
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an accepted idea that forms part of the law
a factor
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something that is important to consider when making a decision
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of significance or importance to a particular situation
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when used in this way- a bill or an invoice that someone must pay

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