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The fact that the earth revolves around the sun is indisputable. inizia ad imparare
He was arrested for driving recklessly and knocking down an old lady. inizia ad imparare
After being tipped off, law enforcement officers raided the house and arrested the gang. inizia ad imparare
funkcjonariusz organu ochrony porządku publicznego
I cannot stand cruelty to animals. I find it abhorrent. inizia ad imparare
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The European Union has a glut of milk; cows are simply producing too much. inizia ad imparare
Emails sent by financial institutions are most often scam, they would never contact you via email. I’m tired of all your scams, why don’t you get a decent job instead? inizia ad imparare
szwindel, przekręt Emaile wysłane przez instytucje finansowe są często podstępem, nigdy nie skontaktowaliby się z tobą przez maila.
If you breach the rules, you will be expelled from the school. His unwillingness to compromise caused a breach in their relationship. inizia ad imparare
naruszenie (np. przepisów); ochłodzenie, zerwanie Jeśli naruszysz reguły, zostaniesz wyrzucony ze szkoły.
He won the race thanks to a deception. He dressed as a waiter as part of his deception to get into the celebrity wedding. inizia ad imparare
podstęp Wygrał wyścig dzięki oszustwu.
I think you need principles. Right now you don't seem to uphold any moral values. He refuses to gossip about people because it goes against his principles. inizia ad imparare
prawo, reguła Myślę, że musisz mieć zasady. W tej chwili nie jesteś wierny żadnym wartościom moralnym.
Conservationists were trying to track the elusive Siberian tiger, but it was very hard to find. For years the criminal had proved too elusive for the police until he finally made the mistake they had been waiting for. inizia ad imparare
trudno osiągalny Działacze na rzecz ochrony przyrody próbowali wytropić nieuchwytnego tygrysa syberyjskiego, ale bardzo trudno było go znaleźć.
Your speech was very profound. Losing the match had a profound effect on him; he was upset for days. inizia ad imparare
Twoja przemowa była bardzo głęboka.
The video tape of the thief was concrete proof that he was guilty of the crime. inizia ad imparare
A letter of complaint should always be written in a formal register. inizia ad imparare
styl, odmiana języka, rejestr języka
After hearing the testimony of the witness, I am inclined to believe that she was innocent. inizia ad imparare
This film was grossly overrated; I really don’t see what all the fuss was about. inizia ad imparare
Picking one's nose is gross. inizia ad imparare
Dłubanie w nosie jest okropne.
The fact that smoking is bad for our health is beyond dispute. inizia ad imparare
take issue with sb about/on/over sth I am sorry, I would like to take issue with you on what you just said – do you really expect us to accept that? inizia ad imparare