Unit 3 - słówka z tabelek (+ def ang)

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Domanda Risposta
sick / nauseous (unpleasant feeling of wanting to vomit)
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chory / mdłości
medication, meds (medicine used to treat an illness)
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lek, medykament
down (sad, not very happy)
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smutny, przybity
chemotherapy, chemo (drugs used to treat cancer)
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cope (manage / put up with sth)
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radzić sobie (z czymś)
fed up with (tried of doing sth)
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mieć czegoś dość
buzz (press the nurse call button)
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nacisnąć przycisk do wołania pielęgniarki
anti-emetic (medication which stops patients vomiting or feeling sick)
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lek przeciwwymiotny
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use of fine needles to relieve pain
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use of fragrant oils for well-being
heat pack
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a heated pad which soothes sore muscles
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rub or press parts of the body to relieve pain
analgesia (lek przeciwbólowy)
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medicine taken by mouth or by injection which stops pain
syringe driver
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a machine which gives the patient a continuous dose of medication
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przekazać na kolejną zmianę
Palliative Care (healthcare which supports a dying patient but does not cure)
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Opieka paliatywna
secondaries (other cancers which grow away from the main tumour)
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nowotwory wtórne (inne nowotwory, które oddalają się od guza głównego)
breakthrough dose (extra medication to relieve severe pain)
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dawka przełomowa (dodatkowy lek łagodzący silny ból)
subcut injetion (into the subcutaneous layer under the skin)
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wstrzyknięcie podskórne (do warstwy podskórnej)
Location of the pain
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Where is the pain?
Pain level
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How strong is the pain?
Description of pain
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What does the pain feel like?
Triggers (powód)
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What sets the pain off?
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What makes the pain better?
tingling - mrowienie
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feels like a lot of sharp points going into you
sharp - ostry, nagły
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sudden pain
stabbing - przeszywający
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feels like a knife is stuck into you
aching - pobolewanie/ tępy ból
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feels not too painful but always there
burning - piekący ból
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feels like fire
throbbing - pulsujący ból
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feels like it stops/starts in time with your heart
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nursing / palliative care
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