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The most useful appliance in our house is the washing machine
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wykonać prace, szukanie, eksperyment inizia ad imparare
Do work, research, experiments, etc. they are coming out a survey about recycling
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Develop, make progress The building work on our new house is coming on nicely
wpaść na coś, wymyślić coś inizia ad imparare
Think of an idea or a plan We need to come up with some good ideas for raising money
wymyślić, roziwazac problem inizia ad imparare
Calculate, solve a problem, I understand the situation I am trying to figure out the answer to the crossword clue
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Investigate police are looking into a series of burglaries in the local
podłączyc sie to madzyjy np inizia ad imparare
connect to a machine, the electricity supply, etc. plug the printer in, then turn it on
wysoki priorytet // bardzo ważny inizia ad imparare
Getting a person job isn’t a high priority for me, but it would be nice
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be very careful crossing the road course open drive down in at very high speed
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It’s high time the castle did something about this problem
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The latest high definition TVs have amazing picture quality
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Ferrari make high-performance cars
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Hi powered telescope I loves you to see stars really clearly
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team always has the latest high-tech equipment and gadgets
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Winning an Academy award is considered the top award for a film actor
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getting a part-time job is my top priority right now. I’m desperate to add in some extra money.
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My mom’s car has the top speed of 120 km/h but she never drives that fast