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Domanda English Risposta English
meet/find by chance
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come across
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come by
become ill with
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come down with
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come into
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come off
be published/ bloom
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come out
visit casually/ reciver consiousness / to persuade to change an opinion
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come round
come along; hurry up
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come on
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come through
be mentioned
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come up
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come up to
find (an answer/solution)
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come up with
take a shorter route
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cut across
reduce production
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cut back on
reduce length of sth
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cut down
reduced amount consumed
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cut down (on)
interrupt (conwersation)
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cut in/into
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cut off
be isolated
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be cut off
leave out, remove/(for) be suited for
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cut out
cut into small pieces
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cut up

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