Unit 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
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the time when you are an adult
all-out argument
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argument involving a lot of energy or anger
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extremely impressive
be down to
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to be the result of one person’s actions or one particular thing
big time
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to a very large degree
bitterly disappointed
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really disappointed
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something difficult to see, because the edges are not clear
burning ambition
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a burning ambition is very strong
colossal amount
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extremely large quantity
come out on top
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to win a difficult struggle or argument, especially one that has continued for a long time
creep in
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to gradually enter something and change it
cut your losses
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to stop doing something that is failing, so that you do not waste any more money, time, or effort
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frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident
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to speak loudly, sometimes with actions, so that people notice you
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behaving in a way that shows you think someone is criticising you even if they are not
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to do something to stop people paying attention to you, criticising you, etc.
dismal failure
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bad and unsuccessful result
endearing character
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a person in a film that is most easily likeable
eternal student
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a person who seems to study for ever
face the music
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to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done
fatally flawed
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when something is fatally flawed it means that it is certain to fail as it has a flaw that is not seen
fleeting moment
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a moment lasting for only a very short time
formidable challenge
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a task that is difficult to deal with and needs a lot of effort or skill
futile effort
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pointless attempts to do something
getting there
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to be making progress
glass half empty
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used to say that a particular person is more likely to notice the bad parts of a situation
hang on every word
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to listen carefully to everything that someone says
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pleasantly strong and seeming to affect someone strongly
heated debate
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a debate that is full of angry and excited feelings
heavily influenced
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strongly affected by something or someone else
hold a grudge
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to feel dislike for someone because you cannot forget that they harmed you in the past
if all else fails
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if something was planned but cannot happen
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when something is important or urgent because it relates to a situation or event that is happening now
in a huff
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feeling angry or bad-tempered, especially because someone has offended you
in good shape
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in good state of health or in a good condition
in person
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if you do something in person, you go somewhere and do it yourself, instead of doing something by letter, asking someone else to do it, etc.
it’s a win-win situation
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a situation that will end well for everyone involved in it
it’s back to square one
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if something is back to square one it means that you have to start doing it from the begining because your previous efforts failed
let something get the better of you
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to be defeated by someone or be unable to deal successfully with a problem
lukewarm response
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a reaction that does not show much interest or excitement
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to keep a machine, building, etc. in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly
massively important
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of great importance
not entirely convinced
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not being absolutely persuaded
not for the faint-hearted
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used humorously to say that something is difficult and needs a lot of effort
not in the know
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having less information about something than most people
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used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done
painfully shy
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when someone is very shy
perfectly plausible
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petty argument
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a situation in which two or more people disagree, often angrily, on something small and unimportant
play mind games
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to deceive someone or try to get them to behave as you want them to
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someone who believes that something should be done in the correct or traditional way, especially in the areas of art, sport, music, and language
randomly selected
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chosen without any definite pattern or plan
resounding success
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a very great or complete success
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very severe or strict
rise to the occasion
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to deal successfully with a difficult situation or problem, especially by working harder or performing better than usual
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someone whose job is to look for good sports players, musicians, etc. in order to employ them
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calm, serious, and formal
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distracted by something that you are not supposed to do at the moment
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a contest in which competitors e.g. recite their entries and are judged by members of the audience
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to smile or speak in a very unkind way that shows you have no respect for someone or something
stay on top of the game
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to make efforts to be as good at something as you can be
stock up (on)
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to buy a lot of something in order to keep it for when you need to use it later
strictly limited
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when there are a lot of limits put on something
strong competition
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a group of people that is competing agaist you and is very good at it
the ride of your life
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when an experience is one of the best in your life
the stuff that dreams are made of
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used to describe something that is very luxurious
think big
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to plan to do things that are difficult, but will be very impressive, make a lot of profit, etc.
thinking time
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a period of time when you think about something
thoroughly fed up
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really annoyed
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if a part of your body throbs, you have a feeling of pain in it that regularly starts and stops
throw a move
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to perform some dance moves
total failure
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a lack of success in achieving or doing something
unmitigated disaster
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something that is completely bad
vast number
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extremely large number
widely believed
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when many people believe that something is true
wildly exaggerated
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if something is widely exaggerated, it is described as way better or larger than it really is

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