Unit 2 _W questions

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Gdzie on jest?
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Where is it?
Ile tam jest pokoi?
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How many rooms are there?
Co jest w pokojach?
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What's in the rooms?
Co ty tam robisz?
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What do you do there?
Czy masz duży dom?
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Have you got a big house?
Czy w ogrodzie są jakieś drzewa?
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Are there any trees in the garden?
Czy w piwnicy jest telewizor?
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Is there a TV in the basement?
Jak nazywa się znana sala w Zamku Bojnice?
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What is the name of the famous hall in Bojnice Castle?
Czy z zamku Bojnice jest widok na morze?
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Are there views of the sea from Bojnice castle?
Ile jest wież w zamku?
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How many towers are there in the castle?

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