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She exploited her family’s political connections and managed to get a good job in the public sector. inizia ad imparare
We must take immediate action to stop the depletion of food and water in third-world countries. inizia ad imparare
zmniejszenie się, kurczenie się
The twins are identical, there is no discernible difference between them. inizia ad imparare
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rozeznawać się, dostrzegać
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dostrzegalnie, zauważalnie
His parents have hired a maths tutor to give him lessons this summer. inizia ad imparare
nauczyciel akademicki, opiekun naukowy lub korepetytor, dawać lekcje, udzielać korepetycji
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instruktaż, indywidualne konsultacje (na studiach)
Nuclear weapons pose a threat to world peace. inizia ad imparare
Shopkeepers in the town centre say that if the High Street is pedestrianized, they will lose money. inizia ad imparare
zamknąć dla ruchu kołowego
Smog and pollution can cause severe respiratory problems. inizia ad imparare
oddechowy, związany z oddychaniem
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When I get a headache, I take aspirin to alleviate the pain. inizia ad imparare
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ulga, złagodzenie (bólu, cierpienia)
The millionaire has a secluded villa in the south of France. inizia ad imparare
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izolować (się), separować (od ludzi)
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odosobnienie, zacisze, ustronie (o miejscu
Our food supplies are dwindling fast; if we aren’t rescued soon, we will all starve to death. inizia ad imparare
The government must tackle the immigration problem without delay. inizia ad imparare
stawić czoło, wziąć się do czegoś
We must all get to grips with the fact that we are destroying the environment. inizia ad imparare
zmierzyć, uporać się z czymś