Unit 10 BE

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Domanda Risposta
czy chciałbyś zjeść z nami lunch
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would you like to have lunch with us
Nie wiem czy dam rade
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I don't know if I will be able to
jeść obiad
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to have lunch
napić się kawy
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to have a coffee
jeść obiad
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to have dinner
Dam Ci znać później
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I will let you know later
niedaleko jest dobra restauracja
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there is a good restaurant near here
chodźmy na obiad
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let's go for lunch
Chciałbyś coś do picia
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would you like something to drink
czy mogę prosić o szklankę wody
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can I have a glass of water
jesteś gotowy, aby złożyć zamówienie?
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are you ready to order?
co byś chciał zjeść?
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what would you like to have
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enjoy your meal
Czy możemy prosić o rachunek
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can we have the bill please
zachować resztę (w sklepie)
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keep the change
ile to jest warte?
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how much is it worth
akceptujecie karty kredytowe
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do you accept credit cards
niech sprawdzę
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let me check
daj mi zobaczyć
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let me see
pozwól mi pomyśleć
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let me think
jakie restauracje polecacie
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which restaurants do you recommend

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