UNIT 1.5 - Money & prices

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How much?
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a (credit) card
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karta kredytowa
a price
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a pound
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reszta, drobne
a (bank) note
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a discount
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a cost
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transport costs
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koszty transportu
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a supplier
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a (profit) margin
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postage/shipping cost
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koszt wysyłki
a level
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to earn
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to lose
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to pay
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to make a profit
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osiągnąć zysk
to make a loss
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przynosić straty
to include
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to increase
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to lower
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to order
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to set prices
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ustalać ceny
to negotiate
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to calculate
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to add
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to go up
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iść do góry
to go down
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iść w dół
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niski (np. cena)
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wysoki (np. cena)
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the same
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taki sam, ten sam
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How much did we earn last month?
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Ile zarobiliśmy w zeszłym miesiącu?
I hope that we won't lose any money next month.
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Mam nadzieję, że nie stracimy żadnych pieniędzy w przyszłym miesiącu.
You can pay (in) cash or by card.
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Możesz zapłacić gotówką lub kartą.
The price doesn't include VAT.
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Cena nie zawiera VAT.
Did you make a profit ot (a) loss last year?
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Osiągnęliście zysk czy ponieśliście stratę w zeszłym roku?
They increased the prices too much, and they lost a lot of clients.
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Za bardzo podnieśli ceny i stracili wielu klientów
Now they have to lower them.
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Teraz muszą je obniżyć.
You can pay in euros, dollars or pounds.
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Możesz zapłacić w euro, dolarach lub funtach.
I have no change. / I don't have any change. I only have banknotes.
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Nie mam żadnych drobnych. Mam tylko banknoty.
We (have) ordered materials from abroad.
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Zamówiliśmy materiały z zagranicy.
They give us a big discount.
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Dali nam duży rabat.
They agreed to pay the transport costs.
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Zgodzili się opłacić koszty transportu.
What currency should we pay them in?
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W jakiej walucie powinniśmy zapłacić?
It doesn't matter.
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To nie ma znaczenia.
How do you set prices?
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Jak ustalacie ceny?
We calculate costs and add a (profit) margin.
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Obliczamy koszty i dodajemy marżę.
We negotiated a lower price with the supplier.
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Wynegocjowaliśmy niższą cenę z dostawcą.
The final price is 10% lower.
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Ostatecznie cena jest o 10% niższa.
Does the price include postage / shipping costs?
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Czy cena zawiera koszty wysyłki?
The prices of flats are going up, and the prices of houses are going down.
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Ceny mieszkań idą w górę, a ceny domów idą w dół.
Last month, they were at the same level.
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W zeszłym miesiącu były one na tym samym poziomie.
What's the strongest currency now?
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Jaka jest teraz najsilniejsza waluta?
Is it the pound, the euro or the US dollar?
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Czy jest to funt, euro czy dolar amerykański?
What's the currency in China?
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Jaka jest waluta w Chinach?

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