Unit 1.3-4 My favorite Things

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a scooter
statek kosmiczny
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1. a spacecraft 2. a spaceship
to jest niebieskie
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it's blue
to nie jest hulajnoga
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it isn't a scooter
to jest rower
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it's a bike
to jest małe i czerwone
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it's small and red
to nie jest robot
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it isn't a robot
to jest zegarek
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it's a watch
to jest duże
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it's big
to nie jest rower
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it isn't a bike
to jest hulajnoga
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it's a scooter
to jest czerwone
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it's red
to nie jest zegarek
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it isn't a watch
to jest robot
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it's a robot
to jest biało szare
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it's white and gray
to jest komputer
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it's a computer

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