Unit 1 - Narrating

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Domanda Risposta
na początku
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in the beginning
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inizia ad imparare
pewnego dnia
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one day
zanim jeszcze
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even before, by the time
jak tylko
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as soon as
natomiast, podczas gdy
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w trakcie
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in no time
natychmiast po tym
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immediately after/following
niedługo potem
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soon afterwards
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by then
do tej chwili
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until that moment
do momentu, gdy
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till the time when
dopiero po tym jak
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only when, it was only when... that...
w ciągu paru dni
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within days
z biegiem lat
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over the years
minęło kilka tygodni
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several weeks passed
w niedzielę trzy tygodnie później
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on the Sunday of the third week
ostatecznie, w końcu
inizia ad imparare
in the end, finally, eventually

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