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Domanda English Risposta English
UK official name
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the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelan
the UK consists of...
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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
the Great Britain consists of...
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England, Scotland, Wales
the capital city of England
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the capital city of Wales
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the capital city of Scotland
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the capital city of Northern Ireland
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the 5 largest cities in the UK
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London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool
highest mountain in the UK
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Ben Nevis (Scotland)
the longest rivers
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the Thames, the Severn
the largest lake
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Lough Neagh (Northern Ireland)
the largest lake in Great Britain
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Loch Lomond (Scotland)
main capital of UK
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what’s uk
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islands of Great Britain and Ireland
separate England and Europe
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English Channel, North Sea
the biggest city of Scotland
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Góry Pennińskie
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union jack
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current flag of the UK
symbol of Britain
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red rose
symbol of Wales
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symbol of Scotland
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symbol of Northern Ireland
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three components of monarchy
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the Monarch, the House of Lords, the House of Commons
how long is candidacy in british parlament?
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5 years
role of monarch
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representing, giving advice, has no power
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„God save the King”
the place of british parlament's meetings
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the Palace of Westminster
traditionally accent
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Received Pronunciation (RP)
from which countries elements are on the current flag
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England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, without Wales

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