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wydmuchać nos
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blow nose
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(n) a covering that protects an injury
(n) a long piece of soft cloth that you tie around an injured part of the body
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(n) a long piece of soft cloth that you tie around an injured part of the body
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(n) a serious disease that people can get if they are bitten by an infected animal
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(n) a serious disease that people can get if they are bitten by an infected animal
przez telefon, zajęty rozmową (telefoniczną)
using the phone
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on the phone
using the phone
She's been on the phone all night.
zaangażowany, zagorzały, oddany
(adj) loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in
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(adj) loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in
(adj) with all parts
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(adj) with all parts
The manager gave me a complete list of all his workers. I own a complete collection of Shakespeare's works.
gotowy, ukończony
(adj) ~finished
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(adj) ~finished
Our report is almost complete. Our project is now complete. The book is complete and ready to be published. Is your report complete?
(v) to finish doing or making something
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(v) to finish doing or making something
The palace took 15 years to complete.
zawieść kogoś, przynieść komuś zawód
(pv) to disappoint someone by not doing what you agreed to do
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let sb down
(pv) to disappoint someone by not doing what you agreed to do
I promised to go to the party with Jane and I can't let her down. I promise I'll never let you down again. She was sorry that she let him down.
przeważać nad, przewyższać
(v) to be greater or more important than something else
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(v) to be greater or more important than something else
The benefits of this treatment far outweigh the risks.

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