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shed - We keep all the tools in the shed at the back of the house.
zwłoki, trup, ciało
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corpse - The killer concealed the corpse in the cellar.
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slumber - She fell into a deep and peacful slumber.
przesadzać, wyolbrzymiać
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exaggerate - The allegations were highly exaggerated.
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principle - He has high moral principles.
huk, grzmot, dudnienie
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rumble - The machine rumbled as it started up.
złe przeczucie
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sinking feeling - I had a horrible sinking feeling when I saw the ambulance outside the house.
wynalazek, ustrojstwo
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contraption - She showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish.
niedosłyszący, z zaburzeniami słuchu
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hard of hearing - She is a little hard of hearing
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maple tree - She has painted a lovely picture with a maple in the background.
Cechy wyróżniające
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distinguishing features - The original town had no square or other distinguishing features.
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barn - Turn left and the barn is second on the right.
staw, sadzawka
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pond - They have a small pond in the garden.
bajka na dobranoc
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bedtime story - The classic bedtime story is one that is equally enjoyed by young children and their parents.
przekrwione oczy
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blood-shot eyes - Dulce's eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were covered with tears.
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rub - Jack yawned and rubbed his eyes.
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grumble - If your stomach grumbles, it makes a low, continuous noise, usually because you are hungry.
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groan - The patient groaned when he saw the needle.
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hulk - Hulk of an old ship.
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pistol - The assassin shot the two men with a 9mm automatic pistol.
przeciwnik, oponent
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adversary - Her attitude to life has given her many adversaries.
kipieć ze złości
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seethe with rage
klęska, porażka, fiasko
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debacle - He should take responsibility for the debacle and resign.
wymyślona historia
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made-up story - He told me a made-up story of the events.
tworzyć, wymyślić coś, zmyślić coś
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make up - I had to quickly make up a lie.
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inspiration - Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.
chory z miłości
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lovesick - I'll be sitting by my computer waiting like a lovesick schoolgirl.
łyżwiarz figurowy
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figure skater - She was a figure skater for several years, but began gymnastics at age six.
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die out - This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.
przystosowywać się, dostosowywać się
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adapt - Children have an amazing ability to adapt.
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bench - She sat on the bench and started feeding the pigeons.
zafascynowany, oczarowany
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enthralled - This book will enthral readers of all ages.
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claw - This bird has very sharp claws.
zaciągnąć się papierosem, pykać
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puff on
gruzy, ruiny
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ruins - If we don't do something, there will be only ruin in the future.
denerwować, złościć, drażnić, irytować
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annoy - She's always saying things that annoy me.
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oblivious - The couple seemed oblivious to what was going on around them.
cieszący się złą sławą
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notorious - he bar has become notorious as a meeting-place for drug dealers.
bezlitosny, bezwzględny
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ruthless - We’ll have to be ruthless if we want to make this company more efficient.
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feast - The women were busy preparing the wedding feast.
nagłe olśnienie
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stroke of genius
ujarzmienie, uciemiężenie, zniewolenie
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enslavement - In the US the enslavement of Africans and their descendants continued well into the second half of the 19th century.
lodowisko, ślizgawka
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nuda, znudzenie
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boredome - I need to do something, or the boredom will kill me.
pragnienie, tęsknota
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longing - My longing for her cannot be described in words.
przestarzały (nieużywany, nieprodukowany, np. o urządzeniu)
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obsolete - With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.

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