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a skirt, the skirts
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en kjol, kjolarna
a suit, the suits
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en kostym, kostymerna
a sock, the socks
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en strumpa, strumporna
the pants
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a tie, the ties
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en slips, slipsarna
a belt, the belt,
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ett skärp, skärpet,
a dress, the dresses
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en klänning, klänningarna
a sweater, the sweaters
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en tröja, tröjorna
a shoe, the shoes
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en sko, skorna
a coat, the coats
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en rock, rockarna
a shirt, the shirts
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en skjorta, skjortorna
a button, the buttons
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en knapp, knapparna
a pocket, the pockets
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en ficka, fickorna
a hat, the hats
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en hatt, hattarna

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