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Domanda English Risposta English
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a proporsal, the terms af wich are certain
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unconditional agreement to what is proposed by the other party
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a person who makes an offer
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a decision of a judge in an ealier case that other judges must follow if the circumstances of the situation are same of similar
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a set of arguments in a situation that might become legal or is already legal in nature
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means a legal agreement made between two or more parties
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means that you must do something. It is necessary to do it
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the people who have entered into a contract or the people involved in a dispute.
To sign a contract with someone
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podpisać z kimś umowę
acceptance cannot be made by silience
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akceptacji nie można uczynić ciszą
Common law
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law based on the decisions made by judges. Covers criminal and civil law. – prawo zwyczajowe
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written down judges decisions
binding upon later judges
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wiążące dla późniejszych sędziów
Courts of first instance
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courts at the lowest level decision-making, do not create binding precedent
Ratio decidenti
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binging judge’s words that provides the legal resoning for his or her decisions
Obiter dictrum
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everything else the judge say, but it is not necessary and it is not binding

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