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Domanda Risposta
jedziesz do miasta?
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are you going to the city?
jedziesz do miasta?
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are you going to the city?
jedziesz do portu?
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are you going to the port?
jedziesz na lotnisko?
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are you going to the airport?
jedziesz do Warszawy?
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are you going to Warsaw?
gdzie mieszkasz?
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where do you live?
Ty jesteś kierowcą?
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Are you the driver?
Ty jesteś kierowcą?
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Are you the driver?
jesteś z tego autokaru?
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Are you from this bus?
jesteś z tego autokaru?
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Are you from this bus?
jesteś z tego autokaru?
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Are you from this bus?
jesteś z tego promu?
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Are you from this ferry?
ty masz
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you have
ty masz bilet?
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do you have a ticket?
masz samochód?
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you have a car?
idź prosto
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go straight
Ty jesteś
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You are
Ty jesteś Anglikiem
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You are English
ty jesteś w autokarze
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you are on the bus
ty idź w prawo
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you go right
ty idź w prawo
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you go right
ty idź w prawo
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you go right
Idź w dół ulicy
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Go down the street
ty jesteś stąd?
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are you from here?
ty jesteś z hotelu
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you are from a hotel
jesteś na statku
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you are on the ship
ty jesteś z hotelu?
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are you from a hotel?
jesteś na statku?
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Are you on the ship?
jesteś angielką?
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are you English?
jesteś angielką
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you are English
jesteś angielką
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you are English
idziesz do dworca?
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are you going to the station?
jedziesz do dworca?
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are you going to the station?
idziesz do dworca
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you are going to the station
jedziesz do dworca
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you're going to the station
jadę do hotelu
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I'm going to the hotel
idę do hotelu
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I'm going to the hotel

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