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Szachy grane w miejskim budynku, budynek jest szklany
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Chess is played in the city building, the building is made of glass
Czy ty masz rozum jeśli chodzi o geografie, pała!
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Do you have your wits about geography, chump!
Wielki dinozaur który istnieje w glebie
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A huge dinosaur that exists in the soil
Pobije indyka, jest taki pyszny że go zjem po szkole na placu zabaw na obiadek,
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He's gonna beat the turkey, it's so delicious I'll eat it after school in the playground for lunch,
Dziewczyna z siusiakiem stoi przed ławką
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A girl with a pee is standing in front of the bench
hej, sprawdź ze mną Discord https://discord. gg/gGUs33V9
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hey come check out Discord with me https://discord. gg/gGUs33V9

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