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This condition is associated with... inizia ad imparare
Ten stan jest związany z...
My thesis needs to be very accurate. inizia ad imparare
He's currently working in England. inizia ad imparare
On obecnie pracuje w Anglii.
common finding in daily clinical practice Common finding in daily clinical practice is that connective tissue graft is the best solution for treatment of gingival recession. But more and more reasearch show new possibilities that are better for patients. inizia ad imparare
powszechne odkrycie w codziennej praktyce klinicznej
it is ranging from ... to Root covarage in my research is ranging from 80% to 90%. inizia ad imparare
Today, I will either go to the park ride my thesis. inizia ad imparare
It's better when a surface of the root doesn't have a big convexity because the adjecent is worse. inizia ad imparare
I frequently have a nap during writing my thesis. inizia ad imparare
In spite of motivation, I started writing it too late. inizia ad imparare
He's won three gold medals. Nevertheless, he still hasn't had enough. inizia ad imparare
Zdobył trzy złote medale. Niemniej jednak wciąż nie ma dość.
The patients are willing to undergo a surgical intervention. inizia ad imparare
Pacjenci są gotowi na interwencję chirurgiczną.
We have obtained what we wanted. inizia ad imparare
Uzyskaliśmy to, czego chcieliśmy.
We should have a right approach to children. inizia ad imparare
The aim of my study is to evaluate efficacy of treatment of multiple recession. inizia ad imparare
I think we should make a full review of our policy. inizia ad imparare
Uważam, że powinniśmy dokonać przeglądu naszej polityki.
Can you provide me with peace during my holiday. inizia ad imparare
Regarding Easter, we are staying at home. inizia ad imparare
His first painting was horrible but the subsequent works looked much better. inizia ad imparare
Jego pierwszy obraz był okropny, ale kolejne prace wyglądały dużo lepiej.
The man's money-making scheme was going great, until the financial crisis struck. inizia ad imparare
Jego plan na zrobienie pieniędzy szedł świetnie, dopóki nie uderzył kryzys finansowy.
Can you reaveal limitations of your work? inizia ad imparare
Should we exceed the limits of our posibilities? inizia ad imparare
The exisiting government should be changed. inizia ad imparare
My fingerprint is no indentifiable. inizia ad imparare
Would you like it to be visible? inizia ad imparare
Did you take into account my expectations? inizia ad imparare
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Is it possible to get a good assessment? inizia ad imparare
My husband is a distinguished doctor. inizia ad imparare
The woman is very slender. She doesn't eat very much. inizia ad imparare
Ta kobieta jest bardzo szczupła. Nie je zbyt dużo.
subtle cervical convexity There was a subtle cervical convexity. inizia ad imparare
subtelna wypukłość szyjki
I really enjoyed the latest exhibit. inizia ad imparare
Naprawdę podobała mi się ostatnia wystawa.
Our company offers a broad scope of services. inizia ad imparare
Nasza firma oferuje szeroki wachlarz usług.
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The result of my study and other clinicians overlapped. inizia ad imparare
część wspólna, pokrywanie się Oba kursy pokrywały się - były niemal identyczne.
The results between study and control group varied. inizia ad imparare
is it a favourable solution? inizia ad imparare
After assessing my thesis, I have to order finger food. inizia ad imparare
Evaluate and assess mean the same inizia ad imparare
It will yield better results. inizia ad imparare
My group of patients was divided by randomization. inizia ad imparare
What is that basketball player's height? inizia ad imparare
Ile ma wzrostu ten koszykarz?
Have you suffered from the lack of time? inizia ad imparare
Do you need a certain amount of material at work? inizia ad imparare
It is extremely important to implement this plan immediately. inizia ad imparare
To niezwykle ważne aby wdrożyć ten plan natychmiast.
Before considering treatment... Before considering treatment clinician has to analyse measurement of recession. inizia ad imparare
Przed rozważeniem leczenia...
What is the susceptibility factor for damage of this tool? inizia ad imparare
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nagromadzenie płytki nazębnej
inflamatory periodontal disease inizia ad imparare
zapalna choroba przyzębia
inizia ad imparare
nieprawidłowa pozycja wędzidełka
traumatic oral hygiene habbits inizia ad imparare
traumatyczne nawyki higieny jamy ustnej
subgingival restoration margin inizia ad imparare
margines odbudowy poddziąsłowej
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No king should abuse his power. inizia ad imparare
Żaden król nie powinien nadużywać swojej władzy.
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I like reading, whereas my brother prefers watching film adaptations. inizia ad imparare
Lubię czytać, podczas gdy mój brat woli oglądać adaptacje filmowe.
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zwisające powierzchnienawisające wypełnienie
Silk is a very smooth fabric. inizia ad imparare
Jedwab to bardzo gładka tkanina.
Tim wanted to maintain the good condition of his car, so he took it for a regular service. inizia ad imparare
Tim chciał utrzymać samochód w dobrym stanie, więc pojechał na regularny przegląd.
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słaba odporność na płytkę nazębną
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The government announced another tax increase. inizia ad imparare
Rząd ogłosił kolejny wzrost podatków.
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środek do czyszczenia zębów
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I'd like to have a family soon. On the other hand, I like partying so I'm not sure this is going to happen. inizia ad imparare
Chciałbym wkrótce założyć rodzinę. Z drugiej strony lubię imprezować, więc nie wiem, czy to się stanie.
It occludes dentinal tubules inizia ad imparare
It's not easy to swim against the current. inizia ad imparare
Nie jest łatwo płynąć pod prąd.
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Good results can be obtained inizia ad imparare
Można uzyskać dobre wyniki
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The indication to perform inizia ad imparare
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She put the meat in a shallow dish inizia ad imparare
Ona włożyła mięso do płytkiego naczynia
harvesting palatal connective tissue graft inizia ad imparare
pobranie przeszczepu tkanki łącznej podniebiennej
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średnie pokrycie korzenia
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This problem may occur anytime. inizia ad imparare
Ten problem może się zdarzyć w każdej chwili.
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They wanted to combine their business sense with a love for children. inizia ad imparare
Chcieli połączyć zmysł do interesów z miłością do dzieci.
Tim wanted to maintain the good condition of his car, so he took it for a regular service. inizia ad imparare
Tim chciał utrzymać samochód w dobrym stanie, więc pojechał na regularny przegląd.
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