travelling4 land

 0    9 schede    karoladamczak
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an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law:
Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily.
znaki drogowe
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road signs
światła przednie
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head lights
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a motorway
utknąć w korku
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to get stuck in traffic jam
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to put more fuel into an aircraft, ship, etc so that it can continue its journey
On the next petrol station we have to refuel
podwiezc kogoś
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give someone a lift/
zużywać paliwo
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consume fuel
to use fuel, energy, time, or a product, especially in large amounts:
Our high living standards cause our current population to consume 25 percent of the world's oil.
zapiac pasy bezpieczenstwa
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fasten your seat belts

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