Travelling - Reesen

 0    55 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
Is there a problem with my ticket?
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Gëtt et e Problem mat mengem Billjee?
Here is my passport / ticket.
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Hei ass mäi Pass/Billjee.
Is there a carpark near here?
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Gëtt et e Parking no vun hei?
It leaves from platform 3.
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E fiert vum Quai 3 fort.
Do you think you could tell me how best to get around the city?
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Mengt Dir Dir kéint mir soe wéi ech mech am beschten an dëser Stad erëmfannen?
Where can I get the taxi?
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Wou kann ech en Taxi huelen?
Where can I buy / get tickets?
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Wou kann ech Billjeeë kafen/kréien?
+48 schede
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