Travel. ing 3

 0    12 schede    karoladamczak
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Domanda Risposta
cierpieć na chorobę morską
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suffer from seasickness(feel)
feeling sick because of the way a boat is moving
lot bezpośredni
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direct flight
rozkład lotów
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flight schedule
a plan that gives events or activities and the times that they will happen or be done
bagaż podręczny
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hand luggage
small bags that you can carry onto an aircraft with you when you travel
miejsce przy przejściu
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aisle seat
a passage (space) between rows of seats etc in a church, cinema / movie theater etc
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railway platform
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a coach
start samolotu; nabierać rozpędu
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plane taking off;
If an aircraft takes off, it begins to fly.
odbiór bagażu
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baggage reclaim
to get something back from someone
Baggage reclaim will be available in next 15 minutes.
personel pokladowy
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cabin crew
przystanek na żądanie
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request stop
a bus stop at which buses stop only if someone waiting there signals to them to do so

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