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Domanda Risposta
devoted company mom
She is a devoted company.
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oddana firmowa mama
She has a sympathetic ear for her colleagues' problems.
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sympathetic ear
She has a sympathetic ear for her colleagues' problems.
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współczujące ucho
She looks after MD.
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Opiekuje się MD.
She looks after his personal and business matters.
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Zajmuje się jego sprawami osobistymi i biznesowymi.
She finds him...
She finds him impatient and demanding.
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Ona uważa go za...
She finds him impatient and demanding.
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She finds him impatient and demanding.
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look after
She looks after his personal and business matters.
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opiekować się / zajmować się
be replaced by
She is worried that she might be replaced by someone younger.
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zostać zastąpiony przez
due to something
He left due to health problems.
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z powodu czegoś
He often gets in the way.
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Często przeszkadza.
Chamber of Commerce
He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
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Izba Handlowa
He worked his way up.
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Wspiął się naszczyt.
vocational training scheme
He supports vocational training scheme.
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program szkolenia zawodowego
disadvantage background
He supports young people from the disadvantaged background.
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tło niekorzystne
Rumours say that he is having an affair.
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Rumours say that he is having an affair.
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generous annual bonus
He gets a generous annual bonus.
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hojna premia roczna
turn company's fortune around
He was employed to turn company's fortune around.
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odwrócić losy firmy
He spends his time on the allotment.
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adult son
He worries about his adult son
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dorosły syn
pay-roll clerk
She is a pay-roll clerk.
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get on with her boss
She doesn't get on with her boss.
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dogadaj się z jej szefem
attend a training seminar
She has recently attended a training seminar.
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wziąć udział w seminarium szkoleniowym
use properly
She knows hot to use financial software poperly.
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używać prawidłowo
She is timid.
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I am not self-confident.
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pewny siebie
She is not aware of her potential.
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run a yoga group
She runs a yoga group.
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prowadzić grupę jogi
deal with dissatisfied customer
She deals with dissatisfied customers.
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poradzić sobie z niezadowolonym klientem
He is in constant competition with his colleagues.
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