Top 500 verbi inglesi 276-300

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Domanda Risposta
Le porto buone notizie dall'assemblea dei soci, Signore.
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To bring
Sir, I bring good news from the shareholders' meeting.
Il mio sospetto è stato confermato.
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To confirm
My suspicions have been confirmed.
Il sole stava sorgendo, ma ancora dormivano tutti.
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To rise
The sun was rising, but everyone was still sleeping.
Per decorare la torta ho utilizzato gli Smarties.
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Utilizzare in Italiano
To use
To decorate the cake I used Smarties.
Rifiutò di tradire i suoi stessi valori.
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To betray
She refused to betray her own values.
Riesci ad immaginare un mondo senza guerre?
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To imagine
Can you imagine a world without wars?
Percepisco Anna come una brava insegnante.
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To perceive
I perceive Anna as a good teacher.
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"Top 500 verbi inglesi"
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