this same meaning

 0    19 schede    amarkowska45
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Domanda Risposta
embarrassed anxious
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niespokojny zawstydzony
sacred petrifide
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przestraszony oniemialy
sad misarable
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przygnębiony smutny
upset confused
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wkurzony zaniepokojony zdezorientowany
dispositions moods
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she is the person with sunny disposition
put forward proposed
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I would lime To put The Solution forward
chciałabym zaproponować rozwiazanie
keep retain
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the box retain Heat
pudełko zatrzymuje cieplo
character temperament
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your hand writing can tel a lot about your character
favour popularity
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I envy Jim his popularity
tile lebel
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I know it was fake without Looking At the lebel
foremost prime
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This cheese is of Prime Quality
handled treated
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obsługuje cały dział personalny
she od handling the whole HR department
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don't bother to be Nice
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Something Disturb me
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are trying to confuse me
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He convinced me to go with Him
lead to
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this Road leads stright to the park
lead to
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this Road leads stright to the park
lead to
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this road leads stright to the park

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