The Photographer's Image in Motion Pictures 3

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Domanda English Risposta English
an ____ person is famous, important, and respected
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The acting, too, is uniformly skilled by an eminently professional cast
not showing your emotions and not influenced by your feelings [= tough]
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Model presents some of the more hard-boiled, less glamorous aspects of fashion photography.
the act of trying on clothes so that they can be adjusted to fit
Pol. przymiarka
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Photographers, models, and agents engage in their routine daily work - interviews, fittings, rehearsals, shows, commercials.
... ideas, designs etc are modern and fashionable
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she is a successful fashion photographer who specializes in modish compositions
to show or say that something will happen in the future
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tragic events are foreshadowed in Laura's photographs,
Pol. uosabiać
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Laura personifies a fantasy image of the photographer as an omnipotent and omnipresent force in the real world
Pol. wszechmocny
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Pol. wszechobecny
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Laura personifies a fantasy image of the photographer as an omnipotent and omnipresent force in the real world
Pol. wszchwiedzący
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the eye of Laura's mind is more omniscient than the eye of the camera
Pol. punkt obserwacyjny
punkt widzenia
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vantage point
he observes all the action of the film from the single vantage point of Jefferies' apartment
w przeciwienstwie
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in contrast
In contrast to Funny Face, Model presents some of the more hard-boiled, less glamorous aspects of fashion photography.
(of a container) so tightly closed that no air can leave or enter:
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in this apparently hermetic and self-absorbed little world: reflections on the moralities of the business
having a special mental ability, for example so that you are able to know what will happen in the future or know what people are thinking:
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the artist, has the psychic ability to "see" things before they happen
tell your own opinion
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make a point
which film makes a point about the use of photographs as evidence?
to feel a strong dislike for someone or something because you think that that person or thing is bad or has no value:
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Which film concerns a photographer who is despised by his colleagues?

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