The most common phrasal verbs

 0    18 schede    mateuszmroczkowski
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szukać informacji
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look up
She looked up the recipe online before attempting to bake the cake
nagle przestać funkcjonować/działać
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Break down
Unfortunately, my car broke down on my way out of town
opuścić środek transportu
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Get off
ruszać się szybko/nagle
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shoot off
as soon as the bell rang, the children shot off towards the playground
uspokoić się
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calm down
kontynuować czynność/zadanie, głownie po przerwaniu
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to get on with something
Right, that's enough TV - time to get on with your homework
natknąć się na kogos niespodziewanie
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come across
opiekować się
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look after
przypadkowo przewrócić
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to knock over
the strong wind knocked over many of the newly planted trees in the park
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turn on
założyć np. organizacje
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to set up
szybkp przygotować coś, zwykle do jedzenia
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to whip up
My mum used to whip up the most delicious pasta in just few minutes
odrzucać oferte, prośbę czy szansę
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to turn down
We've had to turn down several incredible job applicants due to budget constraints
uzyskać pozytywny wynik/rezultat
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to work out
I haven't found a publisher for my book yet, but i'm sure it'll all work out
zaakceptować/ wziąć na siebie odpowiedzialność
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to take on
Mark was eager to prove himself to the higher-ups and quickly agreed to take on the team leader role
wykorzystać coś ponownie zaniedbane lub zapomniane
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to dust off
Ali decided it was time to dust off the guitar he bought as a teenager and learn to play once and for all
znaleźć rozwiązanie problemu, odkryć/rozgryźć coś
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to figure out
He read the instructions several times but still couldn't figure out how to assamble the bookshelf
nadążyć za kimś/ dotrzymać kroku, osiagnac ten sam poziom
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to catch up

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