The mechanism of drug action

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Domanda Risposta
-, allergy, allergic
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; allergy
depress, depression, depressive
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; depressive
desire, desire, desirable
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; desire
irritate, irritation, irritant/ irritable
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; irritation
neutralize, neutralization, neutral
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; neutral
predict, prediction, predictable/ predictive
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; predict
protect, protection, protective
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; protective
select, selection, selective
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; select
stimulate, stimulation, stimulative/ stimulating
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; stimulation
withdraw, withdrawal,-
inizia ad imparare
verb, noun, adjective; withdraw

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