The Farm

 0    12 schede    andreainfantefernandez
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Domanda English Risposta English
a shed serving as a shelter for cows
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a building for storing hay and grain, and often for keeping animals
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a building with stalls where horses, cattle, etc., are kept and fed.
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a yard or enclosure surrounded by or connected with farm buildings
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a piece of open or cleared land, esp. one suitable for pasture or growing things
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a figure in the shape of a person in old clothes, set up to frighten birds away from crops
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a dog trained to herd and guard sheep
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the grain of a cereal grass used in the form of flour.
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a structure of wood, metal, or rope having two side pieces between which a series of steps or rungs are set to provide a means of climbing up or down.
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grass cut and dried for use as food for animals
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a group of animals, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that live, travel, or feed together
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a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure
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