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zachwycać się (nieformalnie) inizia ad imparare
rave about sth (informal) She raved about/over the clothes she had seen at the Paris fashion shows.
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The police are trying to sift out the genuine warnings from all the hoax calls they have received.
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chwalić się czymś, przechwalać. inizia ad imparare
Ireland boasts beautiful beaches, great restaurants, and friendly locals. He didn't talk about his exam results in case people thought he was boasting.
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Look at this exquisite painting. She has exquisite taste. a vase of exquisite workmanship.
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It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump. The soldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places.
bracia (członkowie grupy lub organizacji religijnej) inizia ad imparare
Used as a form of address to members of an organization or religious group.
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The prime minister assured the electorate (that) taxes would not be increased after the election.
not clear, bright, or shiny; also - not interesting or exciting in any way inizia ad imparare
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Juventus pokonał Ajax po emocjonującej grze. W końcu udało jej się opanować/pokonać nieśmiałość w klasie. inizia ad imparare
to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something. Juventus overcame Ajax in a thrilling game. Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.
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a person, usually young, who behaves in a way that is illegal or not acceptable to most people They are carrying out research on the causes of delinquent behaviour among young people.
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What sane person would stand up to the Roman Empire?
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udowodnić czy ktoś ma rację inizia ad imparare
Mogę mieć potrzebę twoich zapalonych zdolności obserwacyjnych. inizia ad imparare
I may have need of your keen powers of observation, Matthew.
smakować, rozkoszować się to like or enjoy something inizia ad imparare
Można jako „looking forward” I would relish the opportunity. She's relishing the prospect of studying in Bologna for six months.
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Stay away from steep staircases, old man.
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I just happen to be wearing a happy face.
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A temporary reprieve from doom.
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We are considering a formal inquiry.
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You saw her? Yes, teacher - perfectly restored and radiant.
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This is an unparalleled revelation.
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małomówność, powściągliwość inizia ad imparare
May we inquire as to the reason for your reticence.
wstępny, próbny (syn. tymczasowy) Mam wstępne plany, żeby jechac na wycieczkę do zseattle w lipcu. inizia ad imparare
tentative (syn. provisional) I have tentative plans to take a trip to Seattle in July.
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It has taken them a long time to offload the stock from the boats.
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uchylać się od odpowiedzialności inizia ad imparare
My father never allowed me to shirk responsibility.
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A woman of valor, who can find?
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And God abstained on the seventh day from all the work he did.
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Powiedzial poborcom i żołnierzom, żeby nie wymuszali pieniędzy. inizia ad imparare
He told tax collectors and soldiers not to extort money.
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The meeting is adjourned.
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The lure of the city for creative people has existed for centuries.
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The invaders quickly subjected the local tribes.
W swej boleści zapomniała zostawić wiadomość. inizia ad imparare
In her anguish she forgot to leave a message.
osobliwy, specyficzny, dziwny inizia ad imparare
You have a singular talent.
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Nie masz wykonalnego (realnego) planu. inizia ad imparare
You have no feasable plan.
Nasze życia są tu stawką. inizia ad imparare
Our lives are at stake here!
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You don’t know that, because you have not pursued the Lord lately.
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1. areszt 2. opieka prawna inizia ad imparare
Romans have taken him into custody.
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Zdecydowałeś sie odgrywać obrońcę uciśnionych? inizia ad imparare
Have you decided to play defender of downtrodden?
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Nasi sąsiedzi krzyczeli na siebie dziś rano. inizia ad imparare
Our neighbours were yelling (obscenities) at each other this morning.
zapalczywy, zaciekły, ognisty inizia ad imparare
the sun was a fiery ball low on the hills
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I chuckled at the astonishment on her face.
Mężczyźni starają się wykopać rów. inizia ad imparare
The men are trying to dig a trench.
Nauczyłem się robić, co On mówi bez kwestionowania tego. inizia ad imparare
I’ve learned to do what he says without questioning.
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Eskortujesz mnie, bo jesteś wdzięczny za awans? inizia ad imparare
You’re escorting me, because you feel indebted for your promotion?
Wykazał się sprytem, że poszedł za rybakami, ale musiał być zdesperowany, że zwerbował Szymona. inizia ad imparare
He was smart enough to go after fishermen, but he must have been desperate to enlist Simon.
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Proszę, czuj się jak w domu. inizia ad imparare
Please, do make yourself at home.
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I have compiled with every request Rome has made of my office, even when it infringed on custom.
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Niepokój zaczął się kiedy twoi żołnierze zaczęli brnąć w tłum wywijając bronią. inizia ad imparare
The unrest began when your soliders waded into the crowd brandishing weapons.
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We waded a shallow river.
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Moie źródło ma niezachwiany talent dokładności. inizia ad imparare
My source has an unwavering knack for accuracy.
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Co cię niepokoi w tym człowieku? inizia ad imparare
What troubles you about this men?
Kaznodzieje mają nawyk (tendencję) do stawania się politykami, kiełkują jak chwasty i plenią się. inizia ad imparare
Preachers have a habit of becoming politicians, they sprout up like weeds and spread.
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Nie miałam pojęcia, że otworzą dach i przeszkodzą w nauczaniu. inizia ad imparare
I had no idea they would open the roof and disrupt your teaching.
Wiem, że się mnie wstydzicie, ale wasza decyzja jest irracjonalna. inizia ad imparare
I know you are ashamed of me, but your decision is irrational.
Czy uważasz, że rzeczy, które łamią prawa natury mogą się wydarzać? inizia ad imparare
Do you think things that overturn the laws of nature can happen?
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Jestem zaznajomiony z ryzykiem, Szymonie. inizia ad imparare
I am well acquainted with risk, Simon.
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you were meant to be there
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be getting advanced in years
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Widzenie z matką przygasiłoby mnie. inizia ad imparare
Seeing mother would put me out.
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Tak, ostatni deszcz sprawił, że ziemia wygląda bujnie, ale podziemna rzeka płynie wokół góry, a nie pod nią. inizia ad imparare
Yes, recent rain makes the land look lush, but the underground river runs around the mountain, not up it.
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"I don't think I'll come to the party tonight." "All right, suit yourself!"
zmierzwione, kołtunowaty, splątany, pozlepiany Podejdź bliżej, nie widzę cię. Twoje włosy są zmierzwione, a twarz zaczerwieniona. inizia ad imparare
Come closer, I can't see you. Your hair is matted and your face is red.
Światło zużyło się predko. inizia ad imparare
The shine wore off quickly.
Tak, chcę zobaczyć najnowszą odsłonę śliniącego się kocura. inizia ad imparare
Yes, I want to see the latest shade of drooling tomcat.
Szorstcy kaznodzieje w dziczy. inizia ad imparare
Rough preachers in the wilderness.
Zatrzask w drzwiach skrzypi. inizia ad imparare
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Bóg powierzył wam bycie przykładem pod każdym względem. inizia ad imparare
God has entrusted you to be exemplary in every way.
Musiałeś naprawdę dać im lanie. inizia ad imparare
You must’ve really given them a pounding.
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Tylko sam Bóg mógł wyrzucić te demony. inizia ad imparare
Only God Himself could drawn the deamons out.
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Wyobraźcie sobie, jeśli możecie, kogoś kto zwraca się tylko ku złośliwościom w życiu. inizia ad imparare
Imagine, if you can, one who heeds only wickedness for a lifetime.