The animal world s. 12

 0    22 schede    julien090901
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Domanda Risposta
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webbed feet
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płetwiaste stopy
feelers, antennae
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czułki, anteny
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mare, stallion
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klacz, ogier
fox, vixen
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lis, lisica
duck, drake
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kaczka, kaczor
cow, bull
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krowa, byk
goose, gander
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gęś, gąsior
buck, doe
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jeleń, łania
dog, bitch
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pies, suka
lion, lioness
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lew, lwica
ewe, ram
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owca, baran
tiger, tigress
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tygrys, tygrysica
hen, cock
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kura, kogut
cat, tomcat
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kot, kocur
swarm of bees
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Rój pszczół
shoal of fish
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ławica ryb
a herd of cattle, elephants
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stado bydła, słoni
a pack of wolves
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Wataha wilków
a flock of sheep, birds
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stado owiec, ptaków
cat, tomcat
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kot, kocur

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