The agony of trying to unsubscribe

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prozaiczny, przyziemny, nudny
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Just as today, in the past a great deal of rubbish was generated by the mundane activities of everyday existence.
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Most queries should normally be answered within five working days.
głównie, w przeważającym stopniu
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Although the city still has a white majority, the public schools are predominantly black.
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People say we live in an age of information overload.
pogarszać się (o stanie czegoś), podupadać (o zdrowiu)
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By 1987 the relationship between the two families had deteriorated.
sedno sprawy, rezultat
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bottom line
They wanted me to skip the overview of the project and get to the bottom line.
nie znosić, nie cierpieć
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Anarchists may also seem to resent almost any form of control.
denerwujący, frustrujący
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annoying, frustrating

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