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Domanda English Risposta English
wash up
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to carry something or away from a place (eg. sea)
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adv. over the side of a boat or ship and into the water
a cry
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a shout made to attract people's attention
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adj. unusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning
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someone you exchange letters with as a hobby but whom you usually have not met
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a particular place
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to continue to exist
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to throw goods or equipment from a ship to make it lighter pol. wyrzucić za burtę
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inormal: a friend
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to have something inside or include something as a part
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exact and accurate
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a short piece of writing
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someone who is in charge of a school
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adj. staying on the surface of a liquid and not sinking
be in touch
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to communicate with someone by using a telephone or writing to them
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adj. producing small bright flashes of light reflected from a surface; pol. błyszczący
cruise ship
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a large ship like a hotel, which people travel on for pleasure
IT consultant
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a specialist in information technology pol. informatyk
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to see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking hard:
straight away
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adv. immediately
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a person who is specially trained to examine buildings etc. pol. rzeczoznawca; kontroler, inspektor
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noun. something you close a bottle with
A parallel accident happened to him.
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adj. happening at the same time as and/or is similar to another one: pol. podobne, równoległe
A ________ accident happened to him.
a golf course
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an area of land used for playing golf
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to bring the memory of a past event into your mind; pol. przypominać sobie
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adj. (about friends) close, real
to reply
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to answer
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adj. (of people who do particular jobs) having successfully completed the necessary training and examinations pol. licencjonowany/ biegły
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to have the same experience;
The result of the elections was ________.
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adj. different from others of the same type in a way that is surprising, interesting or attractive
The result of the elections was unexpected.
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the day on which an important event happened in a previous year

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