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Protestant faith of the monarh was assured by
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Act of Settlement 1701
Robert Walope is considered
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the firm PM
The Republic of Ireland gained sovereignty and left the Commonwealth in
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The term „Bloody Sunday” refers to
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riods in Londonderry in 1972
The final stage that a bill must pass to become an Act of Parliament is
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The Royal Assent
The reason the UK holds on to „the first past the post system is
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it favours big parties
The National Government of 1940 was formed because
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it was thought party politics should be suspended and a united front be presented to Germany in order to win the war
The term Big Society refers to
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Cameron politics
Tony Blair’s term ‘an opportunity socjety” refers to
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his future vision for the working class
Clause 4 of the Labour party manifesto reffered to
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the party’s commitment to nationalization
Privy Purse refers to the Sovereign’s income from
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the Dutchy of Lancaster
The Falkland Islands and Giblartar are British
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dependent territories
Commonwealth Immigration Act (1962) was passed
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to restrict the numer of immigrants from the former colonies, especially from Kenya& Uganda
Precariat is the name for – poorest, most deprived class
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poorest, most deprived class
Celts settled in Britain&Ireland during the
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late Bronze/early Iron Age
„Anger, sky, egg, he” are examples of the influence of
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The beginnings of the common law are associated with – Henry 2
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Henry 2
Mary 1 belonged to the
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Tudor House
The Civil War (1642-1649) was NOT fought for the reason
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to give more power to the king
Today descendants of Gaels still live in
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Ireland and Scotland
'Witan' was a name of Anglo-Saxon king
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King’s Council
Simon de Monfort is associated with
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a) the beginnings of Parliament, b) leading the baron's rebellion, c) opposing Henry III, d) all of the above(odpowiedz)
The first king of Great Britain was
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James 1
Judicial independence was assured by
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The Act of Settlement 1701
The Battle of the Boyne (1690) was fought between the armies of William Orange and
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James 2
The Parliament whose opposition to the king led to the English Civil War in the 17th century was called
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Long Parliament
Constitutional monarchy developed in Britain in the
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17 century
Constitutional crisis and two general elections in 1910 were brought about by
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The attitude of the House of Lords
Which is not the remaining power of the British Monarch
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suggest taxation to the Commons
What was not part of the post WWII ideological consensus – law taxes
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law taxes
The Commonwealth is
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former British Empire countries
The Isle of Man and Channel Islands are – not part of UK
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not part of UK
The Thatcherism is NOT usually linked with
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The main export partners of the UK are
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USA & Germany
The current unemployment rate in the UK is about
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According to the 2013 BBC survey Precariat is
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poorest, most deprived class
Since 2011, general elections in the UK take place
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every 5 years
Proportional representation has long been the main target of the
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David Cameron does not perform one of the following functions
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Leader of the House of Commons
Systematic Roman concquest of Britain began in
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The last Saxon king was
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Edward the Confessor
Mary 1 belonged to the
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Tudor House
By the end of the Hundred Years’ War the British
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only gained the area around Calais
In the 18 century the Whigs
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Opposed any inetrference in politics by the monarchy
Inverted snobbery means
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criticizing anything associated with high social status
Working class activism in the 19th and early 20th centuries was closely connected
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Trade Union movement
A large influx of immigrants to the UK in 1945 was mainly attributed to
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there was a labour shortage post WW2
The reason Sir Anthony Eden resigned as PM in 1957 was
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the role Britain played in the Suez Crisis
The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are
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not part of GB b) not part of UK c) not part of EU d) all of the above GOOD ANSWER: d) all of the above

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