test 20

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Domanda Risposta
opiekować się
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look after
prędzej czy później
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sooner or later
sooner or later we'll find out the truth
przyjsc po radę
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come for advice
she regularly comes for a device on her personal life
nie ma nic do roboty
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there's nothing to do
jaki jest powód że...?
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what is the reason for
what is the reason for her being so happy
znajdować się na północ od
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be situated north of
gdańsk is situated north of Warsaw
na ziemi
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on the earth
it's the best place on Earth
czego potrzeba aby...?
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what does it take to
what does it take to be famous
wyblakłe zdjęcie
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faded photo
nie do poznania
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be beyond recognition
after the accident the car was beyond recognition
Tajemny szyfr
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secret code
rozwój, ulepszenie
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development of living conditions (warunki zycia)
nie do zatrzymania
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these changes are unstoppable
zapobiec, uniemożliwić
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his fast reaction prevented a disaster
zgoda, aprobata, akceptacja
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I got my parents approval to get a kitten
dezaprobata, nieprzychylność
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I was shocked by his disapproval of my idea
ostrożność, rozwaga ostrzeżenie
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cross the road with caution
być ostrożnym
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be cautious
you must be cautious when you cross the road
delikatna sprawa
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delicate matter
nieprawdopodobne, nie do wiary
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the story was unbelievable
krytyczne uwagi
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critical remarks
they expressed critical remarks about my appearance
zawstydzić wprawić w zakłopotanie
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I don't want to embarrass anybody
zakłopotanie kłopotliwa sytuacja zażenowanie
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is an embarrassment not to know what to say at your job interview
Przepraszam że kazałam pani panu czekać
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I'm sorry to keep you waiting
rozsądny mądry
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it was a wise decision
Mądrość, rozsądek
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wisdom is what some drivers lack
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we have a spacious living room
nierówność rasowa
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racial inequality
dyskryminować kogos
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discriminate against
women are discriminated against in many jobs
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she's an optimist
być optymistycznie nastawionym do
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be optimistic about
I'm optimistic about my future
bez wątpienia
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without a doubt
this is without the best book I have ever read
bez watpienia, niewątpliwie
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this is undoubtedly the best book I have ever read
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technology has revolutionised our life
wypełniać swoje obowiązki
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fulfil one's duties
topić stopić stopić się
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our snowman melted when it was warm
(temp) powyżej zera
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above freezing
that day the temperature was above freezing
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put on weight = gain weight
I gained weight after Christmas
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pilna sprawa
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burning issue
building a new, bigger school is a burning issue
siedziba główna dowództwo sztab
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the headquarters is located in the city center
linia (telefoniczna) jest zajęta
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the line is engaged
wiązać koniec z końcem
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make ends meet
they somehow make ends meet
dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby
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make every effort to
we made every effort to make a deal
dobić targu zawrzeć umowę
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Make a Deal
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enliven the speech with jokes
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please remain silent/ the prices remained the same
miejsce (przestrzeń)
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mimo że / chociaż
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opóźniony (plane/ Train)
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wjechać (autem w)
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bump into
śliski (np. o podłodze, schodach, drodze)
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wyprzedzać (samochodem)
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W przeciwnym razie, inaczej
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okazać się
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turn out
okazało się, że jest niegrzeczna
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it turned out that she's rude
okazała się niegrzeczna
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she turned out to be rude
Zobaczę co da się zrobić
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I will see what I can do
I will see what I can do about this problem
rozumiesz, No bo widzisz
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you see can we talk later? you see, I've got a lot of work to do now
Nie widzę przeszkód, czemu nie?
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I don't see why not
zobaczymy (niech pomyślę)
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let's see = let me see
zobaczysz co się wydarzy
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see how it goes = see how things go
we'll see how it goes
zobaczysz przekonasz się
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you will see
it will be great, you will see
Sam zobacz, sam sie przekonaj
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see for yourself
do zobaczenia później
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see you later
do jutra
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see you tomorrow
do zobaczenia
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see you around
do zobaczenia wkrótce
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see you soon

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