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miejski styl życia PASUJE jej ona wygląda dobrze inizia ad imparare
The city lifestyle seems to suit her, she looks great
ta część książki nie jest za bardzo ciekawa więc ją OPUSZCZĘ inizia ad imparare
This lart of the book isnt very interesting, so I m going to skip it
On zaczął odwiedzać siłownię żeby zbudować WYTRZYMAŁLŚĆ inizia ad imparare
He began visiting the gym to build up his endurance
obiecałam skończyć zadanie do piątku ale to będzie WYZWANIEM inizia ad imparare
I ve promised to finish the task by Friday but it s going to be a challange
pieczenie ciasta nie jest trudne to jest poprostu podążanie za PRZEPISEM inizia ad imparare
Baking a cake isnt difficult, its just a matter of following the recipe
żołnierze spali w nocy Z WYJĄTKIEM jednego który nie spał by czuwać inizia ad imparare
The soldiers slept at night, except for one who stayed awake to keep watch
tego poranka policja OTOCZYŁA dom w którym prawdopodobnie znajdował się zbiegły więzień inizia ad imparare
This morning police surrounded a house which they thought contained an escaped prisoner
kiedy nie śpisz w nocy ZABURZASZ SWÓJ NATURALNY CYKL inizia ad imparare
when you don't sleep at night you disrupt your body's cycle
powstrzymać kogoś przed zrobieniem czegoś inizia ad imparare
I stopped my mom from eating the salmon it didnt taste good
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The scientists to carry out a study which they presented to the students at the end
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High levels of glucose can cause diabetes you should remember that
być skutecznym e radzeniu sobie inizia ad imparare
The scientists have said that the liver ist most efficient at dealing with alcohol at 6 pm
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Mom told me to share things with my brother
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Ania is doing well with running a business she is a real business woman
inspirujące doświadczenie inizia ad imparare
The meeting with psychologist was a inspiring experience for me I learned a lot then