Tenses - usage (advanced)

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Jeszcze nigdy nie mieliśmy tyle problemów z nowym produktem.
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We have never had so many problems with a new product.
present perfect = experiences until now
Jesteś za późno, spotkanie właśnie się skończyło.
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You’re too late, the training has just finished.
present perfect = sth has finished a moment ago + “just”
Nie, dziękuję, już jadłem.
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No, thanks, I’ve already eaten.
present perfect = sth has just happened, visible result: not hungry + “already”
Tomek już tu pracował, kiedy do nas dołączyłeś.
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Tom already worked here when you joined us.
past simple = a specific moment in the past
W piątek był wypadek.
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There was an accident on Friday.
past simple = a specific moment in the past
Patrz, był wypadek!
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Look, there has been an accident!
present perfect = sth has just happened
Dałem pięć prezentacji po angielsku.
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I’ve given 5 presentations in English.
present perfect = how many things you’ve managed to do until now

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