telling time in French – dire l’heure en français

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telling time in French
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dire l’heure en français
What time is it?
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Quelle heure est–il? / Il est quelle heure?
It is ... o’clock.
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Il est ... heure / heures.
It is one o’clock.
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Il est une heure.
It is two o’clock.
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Il est deux heures.
It is ... past...
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Il est ... heures...
It is five past three
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il est trois heures cinq.
It is a quarter past four.
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Il est quatre heures et quart.
It is four fifteen
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Il est quatre heures quinze.
It is a quarter till five.
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Il est cinq heures moins le quart.
It is twenty to five.
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Il est cinq heures moins vingt.
It is half past six.
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Il est six heures et demie.
It is six thirty.
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Il est six heures trente.
It is seven forty.
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Il est sept heures quarante.
It is noon.
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Il est midi.
It is midnight.
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Il est minuit.
It is eight A.M.
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Il est huit heures du matin.
It is nine P.M.
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Il est neuf heures de l’après–midi.
What time does he come?
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À quelle heure arrive–t–il?
He comes at quarter past ten.
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Il arrive à dix heures et quart.
What time does the train leave?
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Le train part à quelle heure?
The train leaves at half past nine.
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Le train part à neuf heures et demie.

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