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Domanda Risposta
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wybieranie numeru he is dialling a number
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SMS-y she is texting a friend
hung up
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rozłączyć się he is just hung up
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dzwonek w telefonie she is choosing a new ringtone
calling back
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oddzwanianie he is caling back
left a message on voicemail
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zostawił wiadomość na poczcie głosowej she is
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zajęta linia the line is engaged
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przesuwając she is swiping trough
went off
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poszedł his phone went off in the middle of a meeting
put on hold
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zawieszone she needt hey have put her on holds to talk t a helpline but
cut off
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odciąć he was cut off in the middle of a conversaration
phone neetwork
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sieć telefoniczna what phone neetwork do you use? are you happy with them
a mothly contack
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miesięczny kontakt
pay as you go
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płać jak idziesz
pay as you go a mothly contack
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do you have a mothly care youontack or pay as you go

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