te takie dziwne unit 10

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bribery and corruption
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a new contact suggests that a payment into his private bank account will help a company to win a valuable supply contract; łapówkasrtwo i korupcja
insider trading
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the illegal buying and selling of company shares by people who have special information because they are involved with the company; wykorzystywanie informacji poufnych
counterfeit goods
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a company is making copies of luxury branded products and selling them in street markets; podrabianie towaru
sex discrimination
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discrimination in employment and opportunity against a person
environmental pollution
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an industrial company is disposing of waste chemicals in the sea
industrial espionage
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an occasion when one company steals secrets from another company with which it is competing; szpiegostwo przemysłowe
animal testing
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a cosmetics and pharmaceutical company tries out all its products an rats and mice
money laundering
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the crime of moving money that has been obtained illegal through banks and other businesses to make it seem as if the money has been obtained legally
price fixing
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an agreement that is usually not legal, in which companies all sell goods at a particular price in order to keep prices high; zmowa cenowa
tax fraud
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a company tells the authorities that is making a lot less profit than it actually is; oszustwo podatkowe
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the crime of secretly taking money that is in your care or that belongs to an organization or business you work
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using your influence to get jobs for friends or relatives

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