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mimo że
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pomimo czegoś
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in spite of
despite/ in spite of
jesteśmy przekonani że coś się wydarzyło
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we are convinced that something happened
must have done
jesteśmy przekonani że coś się nie wydarzyło
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we are convinced that something did not happen
can't have done
wydaje nam się ze cos sie wydarzyło
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something seems to have happened to us
might/ May have done
ktos powinien coś zrobić
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someone should do something
should have done
ucze się angielskiego od 5 lat
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I have been learning English for 5 years
I have been learning english for 5 years
Ona pracuje nad tym projektem od marca
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She has been working on this project since March
she has been worki g on this project sińce March
Moja mama śpi już od 10 godzin
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My mother has been sleeping for 10 hours
My mum has been sleeping for 10 hours
wolalbym coś zrobić
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I'd rather do something
wolalbym pójść do kina dzisiaj
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I'd rather go to the movies today
I'd rather go the cinema today

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