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I’ve begun to study German.
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He empezado a estudiar Alemán.
I’ve gone there twice this week.
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He ido allí dos veces esta semana.
I’ve never done anything like that.
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Yo nunca he hecho algo así.
We’ve reached a conclusion.
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Hemos llegado a una conclusión.
We’ve decided to cancel the project.
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Hemos decidido cancelar el proyecto.
They haven’t done anything.
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Ellos no han hecho nada.
I don’t think you know her.
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No creo que la conozcas.
I’ve tried many different professions.
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He probado muchas diferentes profesiones.
He’s lost his voice.
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Él ha perdido la voz.
She hasn’t come here lately.
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Ella no ha venido por aquí últimamente.
I’ve had a lot of problems with him.
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He tenido muchos problemas con él. He tenido un monton de problemas con él.
She's never done anything like that.
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Ella nunca ha hecho algo así.
I’ve begun to study French.
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He empezado a estudiar Frances.
Have you seen him?.
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¿Le has visto?.
Yes, I saw him five minutes ago.
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Sí, le vi hace cinco minutos.
What was he doing when you saw him?.
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¿Qué hacía cuando lo viste?.
Remind me to call him.
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Recuérdame que le llame.
You remind me of an old friend of mine.
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Me recuerdas a un antiguo amigo mío.
Have you been with him lately?.
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¿Has estado con él últimamente?.
I haven’t seen him since Christmas.
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No lo he visto desde Navidad.
What’s his name?.
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¿Cómo se llama el?.
I don’t think you know him.
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No creo que lo conozcas.
What have you done today?.
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¿Qué has hecho hoy?.
I’ve begun to study Italian.
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He empezado a estudiar Italiano.
Have you done anything important this month?.
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¿Has hecho algo importante este mes?.
How many movies have you seen this year?.
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¿Cuántas películas has visto este año?.
So far none.
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Hasta ahora ninguna. o ninguno.
She remind me of an old friend of mine.
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Ella me recuerda una vieja amiga mia.
We’ve never done anything like that.
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Nosotros nunca hemos hecho algo así.
I’ve begun to study Portuguese.
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He empezado a estudiar Portugués.
He's gone there twice this week.
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El ha ido allí dos veces esta semana.
He remind me of an old friend of mine.
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El me recuerda a un viejo amigo mío.
She's gone there twice this week.
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Ella ha ido allí dos veces esta semana.
Let’s see one.
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Veamos una.
They gone there twice this week.
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Ellos han ido allí dos veces esta semana.
I’ve had a lot of problems with her.
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He tenido muchos problemas con ella. He tenido un montón de problemas con ella.
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Croutons. in inglese
Trocitos de pan tostado.
I'd like a lettuce salad with some croutons please.
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Me gustaría una ensalada de lechuga con algunos pedazitos de pan tostado por favor.
There’s always a first time.
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Siempre hay una primera vez.
I haven’t had many chances.
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No he tenido muchas oportunidades.
Now you’re going to have one.
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Ahora vas a tener una.
Actions speak louder than words.
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Los echos dicen mas que mil palabras.
I’ve never seen a woman like her.
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Nunca he visto a una mujer como ella.
He’s lost a lot of weight.
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Él ha perdido mucho peso.
He’s done a lot of things for me.
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Él ha hecho muchas cosas por mí.
He’s helped me on a lot of occasions.
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Me ha ayudado en muchas ocasiones.
He’s always been near when I’ve needed him.
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Siempre ha estado cerca cuando lo he necesitado.
He’s never asked for anything in return.
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Nunca ha pedido nada a cambio.
He’s always been honest and loyal.
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Siempre ha sido honesto y leal.
He’s always been kind and helpful.
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Siempre el ha sido amable y servicial.
I’d like to meet him.
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Me gustaría conocer lo.
Croutons are usually served on salads or in soups.
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Trocitos de pan tostado se sirven generalmente en ensaladas o en sopas.
He’ll be here in a few minutes.
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El estará aquí dentro de unos minutos.
He must be a very kind-hearted man.
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Debe ser un hombre muy bondadoso.
He must have a lot of friends.
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Debe de tener muchos amigos.
He must be very generous.
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Debe de ser muy generoso.
Has he ever done anything bad?.
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¿Ha hecho alguna vez algo malo?.
He’s never done anything bad.
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Nunca ha hecho nada malo.
Has he ever raised his voice?.
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¿Ha levantado alguna vez la voz?.
He’s never done that.
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Nunca ha hecho eso.
Has he ever lost his patience?.
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¿Ha perdido alguna vez la paciencia?.
That’s never happened to him.
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Eso nunca le ha pasado.
Has he ever called you an idiot?.
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¿Te ha llamado alguna vez idiota?.
What do you think?.
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¿Tú qué crees?.
I think he must be a strange guy.
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Creo, que debe de ser un tipo extraño.
Lo conozco. Sé cómo es él.
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I know him. I know how is he like.
I know her. I know how is she like.
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La conozco. Sé cómo es ella.
I know them. I know how are they like.
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Yo los conozco. Yo sé cómo son ellos.
Long time no see. How do you do.?.
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Largo tiempo sin verte. Cómo te va.?.
Well, the job seems straightforward.
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Bueno, el trabajo parece sencillo.
The dish is straightforward to make and tasty.
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El platillo es sencillo de hacer y sabroso.
The attorney said that the form is very straightforward to fill it out.
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El abogado dijo que la forma es muy sencilla para llenarla.
Sit tight. I'll be right back.
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Permanesca aqui tranquilo. Ahorita vengo.
Sleep tight!.
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¡Que duermas bien!.
There's no use in trying to change Donald's mind about politics; he won't budge.
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No tiene sentido tratar de cambiar la mente de Donald acerca de la política; el no cambiara de opinion.
I know how is he like. He won't budge.
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Sé cómo es él. Él no cambiara de opinion.
Essy won't budge at all.
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Essy no cambiara de opinion en absoluto.
I can't make the rock budge even a little bit!.
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No puedo hacer que la roca se mueva ni siquiera un poco !.
Their horses refused to budge.
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Sus caballos se negaron a moverse.
Memorizing the dictionary is not worthwhile.
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Memorizar el diccionario no vale la pena.
Teaching is a worthwhile job.
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La enseñanza es un trabajo que vale la pena.
Talking about her isn't worthwhile.
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Hablar de ella no vale la pena.
That car isn't worthwhile.
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Ese coche no vale la pena.
That movie isn't worthwhile.
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Esa película no vale la pena.
That girl isn't worthwhile.
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Esa chica no vale la pena.
That guy isn't worthwhile.
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Ese chico no vale la pena.
Emi. there wouldn't be any problem?.
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Emi. no habría ningún problema ?.
there wouldn't be any problem?.
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no habría ningún problema ?.
She didn't like the price. Nevertheless, she bought it.
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No le gustaba el precio. Sin embargo, ella lo compró.
Kaz didn't like brocoli. Nevertheless, she ate it.
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Kaz no le gustaba el brocoli. Sin embargo, ella se lo comió.
I didn't like the job. Nevertheless, I accepted it.
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No me gustaba el trabajo. Sin embargo, lo acepté.
Would there be any problem if I call you tonight?.
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Habría algún problema si te llamo esta noche ?.
Would there be any problem if I text you tonight ?.
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Habría algún problema si texteo esta noche?
Oh, don't worry. Wouldn't there be any problem.
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Oh, no te preocupes. No habría ningún problema.
Si Dios quiere.
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God willing.
Are you gonna go to the party tomorrow?. Yes, God willing.
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¿Vas a ir a la fiesta mañana ?. Sí, si Dios quiere.
Oh really?, a letter for me?. Who is it from?.
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Oh deveras?. Una carta para mí?. ¿De quién es ?.
Please have a seat. No thanks I rather to stand.
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Por favor tome asiento. No, gracias prefiero estar de pie.
Have you got a minute?.
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¿Tienes un minuto?.
Have you got his number?.
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¿Tienes su número ?.
Please sit down. — No, I prefer to stand. Thanks.
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Por favor siéntese. - No, prefiero estar de pie. Gracias.
up ahead.
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más adelante.
Where are you going to get off?. Oh, up ahead.
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¿Dónde te vas a bajar ?. Oh, más adelante.
I think the adress is up ahead.
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Creo que la dirección esta más adelante.
CONTEMPT: Desprecio. Familiarity breeds contempt... He showed his contempt for his job by doing it very badly... Contempt.
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CONTEMPT: Desprecio. a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something.

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