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You work too much.
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Trabajas demasiado.
How much did it cost?.
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¿Cuánto costó?.
I decided not to buy it.
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Decidí no comprarlo.
When did you hear it?.
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¿Cuándo lo oíste?.
I got sick. or I got ill.
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Me enferme, me puse enfermo.
It took me several days.
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Tardé varios días.
Who brought the money?.
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¿Quién trajo el dinero?.
I forgot my umbrella.
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Se me olvidó el paraguas.
That happens to me too.
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Eso me pasa a mí también.
They look alike.
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Ellos son muy parecidos, se parecen (físicamente).
I sat on the cake.
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Me senté en el pastel, en la tarta.
Everyone laughed at me.
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Todos se rieron de mí.
I went to sleep around three.
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Me dormí alrededor de las tres.
He read it to me.
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Él me lo leyó.
They grew quickly. They grew fast.
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Crecieron rápidamente.
How long did it last?.
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¿Cuánto tiempo duró?.
Who sold it?.
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¿Quién lo vendió?.
They drove like professionals.
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Condujeron como profesionales.
I wrote it with you in mind.
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Lo escribí pensando en ti.
That's very kind of you.
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Eso es muy amable de tu parte.
I hope you read it.
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Espero que lo leas.
I won't let anyone read it.
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No dejaré que nadie lo lea.
You don't have to do that.
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No tienes que hacer eso.
We did it ourselves.
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Lo hicimos nosotros mismos.
They taught me the alphabet.
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Me enseñaron el alfabeto.
Give it back to me. or Return it to me.
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Why didn't you use it?.
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¿Por qué no lo usaste?.
What were their reactions?.
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¿Cuáles fueron sus reacciones?.
What did you find out?.
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¿Qué averiguaste?.
It's getting dark.
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Está oscureciendo.
I didn't like your speech.
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No me gustó tu discurso.
They showed me the picture.
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Me enseñaron el cuadro.
It wasn't as big as I thought.
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No era tan grande como yo creía.
They turned at the first corner.
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Giraron en la primera esquina.
They went back to their country.
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Volvieron a su país.
Everyone was glad.
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Todo el mundo estaba alegre. Todos se alegraban.
I didn't call the meeting.
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No convoqué la reunión.
They were hungry.
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Tenían hambre.
They gave it to me.
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Me lo dieron.
I didn't lose it.
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No lo perdí.
It was windy.
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Hacía viento.
I made the bed.
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Hice la cama. Tendí la cama.
I made an effort.
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Hice un esfuerzo.
I did the best I could.
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Hice lo mejor que pude.
I didn't steal it.
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No lo robé.
They left.
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Se fueron.
What happened?.
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¿Qué pasó?.
How did it happen?.
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¿Cómo pasó?.
What were you doing when it happened?.
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¿Qué hacías cuando ocurrió?.
He's hardly ever wrong.
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José Gamboa casi nunca se equivoca. El casi nunca se equivoca...
He's hardly ever wrong.
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El Papa Francisco casi nunca se equivoca. El casi nunca se equivoca.
She's hardly ever wrong.
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Madre Teresa casi nunca se equivoca. Ella es casi nunca se equivoca...
She's hardly ever wrong.
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Hilary Clinton casi nunca se equivoca. Ella casi nunca se equivoca.
We had to hurry to make the deadline.
to make or to meet the deadline= Cumplir con la fecha limite.
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Tuvimos que darnos prisa para cumplir con la fecha límite.
I still have a deadline to meet, doctor.
to make or to meet the deadline= Cumplir con la fecha limite.
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Todavia tengo tengo una fecha limite que cumplir, doctor.
We still have a deadline to meet.
to make or to meet the deadline= Cumplir con la fecha limite.
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Todavía tenemos una fecha límite que cumplir.
Angela failed to meet the deadline.
fail to do something=(not succeed in doing [sth]) fracasar, no poder, no lograr.
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Angela no pudo cumplir con la fecha límite.
They failed to deliver the package in time.
fail to do something=(not succeed in doing [sth]) fracasar, no poder, no lograr.
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Ellos no pudieron entregar el paquete a tiempo.
Donal trump will fail to be elected. He will fail miserably.
fail to do something=(not succeed in doing [sth]) fracasar, no poder, no lograr.
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Donal Trump fracasará para ser elegido. Él fracasará miserablemente.
Donal trump failed miserably to be elected.
fail to do something=(not succeed in doing [sth]) fracasar, no poder, no lograr.
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Donal Trump fracasó miserablemente para ser elegido.
The drought caused the crops to fail.
fail to do something=(not succeed in doing [sth]) fracasar, no poder, no lograr.
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La sequía hizo que los cultivos fracasaran.
She failed to finish the race.
fail to do something=(not succeed in doing [sth]) fracasar, no poder, no lograr.
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Ella no pudo terminar la carrera.
He failed the exam.
fail to do something=(not succeed in doing [sth]) fracasar, no poder, no lograr.
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El reprobó el examen.
Gabriela failed in chemistry.
fail to do something=(not succeed in doing [sth]) fracasar, no poder, no lograr.
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Gabriela reprobó en química.
Kaz loves swimming when its hot.
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Kaz le encanta nadar cuando hace calor.
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panza, barriga.
fairy godmother.
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hada madrina.
to be near the knuckle.
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estar cerca de la indecensia. rayar en la indecensia.
Some of Robert's jokes were a bit near the knuckle and, unfortunately, I was watching the show with my parents. ----------------- TO BE NEAR THE KNUCKLE.
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estar cerca de la indecensia. rayar en la indecensia.
to be near the knuckle... if a joke or a remark is near the knuckle, it is about sex in a way that some people find offensive.
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estar cerca de la indecensia. rayar en la indecensia...
a nail in the coffin. or a nail in someone's coffin.
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un clavo en el ataud. un paso hacia a la destrucción.
This is another nail in his coffin.
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éste es otro paso hacia su destrucción.
Nacho became a pot-bellied man!.
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Nacho se combirtio en un hombre panzón o barrigón.
a nail in the coffin. or a nail in someone's coffin... The lawyers put another nail in her coffin today.
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un clavo en el ataud. un paso hacia a la destrucción.
Hey, don't bite yours nails man.
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No te muerdas las uñas.
to hit the nail on the head. or to nailed it.
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dar en el clavo.
to hit the nail on the head. or to nailed it.
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dar en el clavo.
to nailed it ........ He really nailed it with that last comment.
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dar en el clavo.
The detective nailed his attention to the case. - - - to nail.
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concentrarse, clavar la atencion en algo.
Last night I had a bellyache.
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Anoche tenia un dolor de estomago.
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dolor de estomago.
jack-po -------- The lottery "jack pot" is up to one million dollars. -------- jackpot.
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el premio mayor. el premio gordo.
jack pot.
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el premio mayor. el premio gordo.
Today we'll win the jack pot.
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Hoy vamos a ganar el premio mayor.
Genny, you hit the jack pot!.
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Genny tu ganaste el premio mayor.
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panzón, barrigón.

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