Task 1

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Domanda English Risposta English
The doctors removed a clot from one of his main arteries
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The paramedics put him on a stretcher and carried him to the ambulance.
Before he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital he had suffered several nervous breakdowns.
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Instead of rowing he let the boat drift with the current
The flight was delayed due to poor visibility on the runway
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The road was strewn with heavy boulders.
The invention of the stethoscope facilitated the doctors’ work.
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We used a large box as a makeshift table.
He felt a piercing pain in his chest.
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He is quickly recuperating after a long disease.
According to the itinerary we board the ship in Nice and disembark in Cadiz five days later.
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In underdeveloped countries life expectancy is much lower due to poverty and unsanitary conditions.
He was rushed to hospital with multiple head injuries.
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The old factory had fallen into disrepair and had to be pulled down.
When we were traversing southern France we went past numerous vineyards laden with grapes ready to pick.
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Is leprosy a contagious disease?
Put some antiseptic on the cut or you’ll get an infection.
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All the details of the plan were meticulously worked out.
Which class were you travelling in, economy or executive?
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Our initial goal was to debunk some misconceptions

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