Tamara 2024 Q1-Q2

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a bauble
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bombka (choinkowa)
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a type of decorative material that mimics the effect of ice, consisting of thin strips of sparkling material attached to a thread. [błyskotka, łańcuch choinkowy]
a spruce
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Fairy lights
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small electric lights on a string used as decoration, especially on trees at Christmas
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wróżka, czarodziejka, także: bajkowy
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ubierać choinkę - rozbierać choinkę
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to put up a Christmas tree - to take a Christmas tree down
Goście przychodzą (do mojego domu) - Idę do kogoś w gości
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The guests come over - I go over (to someone else's house)
wyjść gdzieś z domu - zostać w domu
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to go out - to stay in
to hang out with
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spędzać czas z
spotkać się ze znajomymi
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to meet up with your friends
a carol
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a Christmas song; kolęda
to be sweating bullets
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to be extremely nervous and worried about something = to be ill at ease
to empathize with somebody
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to be able to understand how someone else feels; współczuć komuś
a Flexible Flyer
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charakterystyczna odmiana sanek umożliwiająca skręcanie
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nieciekawy, nudny
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pożądany, poszukiwany
the work is dumped on you
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praca jest zrzucona na ciebie
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used to describe something on which something else is based; zasadniczy
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certain to fail, die, or be destroyed; stracony
to savour
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to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to enjoy it as much as possible; smakować
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not effective or good; słaby / marny
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twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate; splecione
to cherish
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cieszyć się
być nadmiernie zaangażowanym
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to be overcommitted
to be overscheduled
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przesadzić z harmonogramem
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zadowalający ludzi
to lighten your daily grind
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aby ułatwić sobie codzienną pracę
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I reckon...
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Myślę, że...
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the fact of not having something that you need, like enough food, money or a home; the process that causes this; brak, pozbawienie czegoś
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adverse effects
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niekorzystne skutki
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urządzenia sanitarne
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dotknięty ubóstwem
to wipe out
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wymazać, wyeliminować
scarcity of fresh water
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niedobór świeżej wody
daily grind
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daily routine
to take giant strides
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zrobić gigantyczne postępy
to conquer poverty
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pokonać biedę
to provide a safety net
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stanowić zabezpieczenie
to expand benefits
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rozszerzyć korzyści
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to uphold the law
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przestrzegać prawa
to turn a blind eye to something
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przymknąć oko na coś
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ministerstwo, rada ministrów, duszpasterstwo, służba
to fast-track
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to make somebody's progress in achieving something, for example, a high position in a job, quicker than usual; przyspieszać
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odpowiedzialność, ciężar, brzemię
life expectancy
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długość życia
to uphold
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utrzymać, utrzymywać w mocy, podtrzymywać, popierać, przestrzegać
to undertake
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podjąć, zobowiązać się, przedsięwziąć
to put the onus on somebody
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zrzucić na kogoś ciężar
infamous decision
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niechlubna decyzja
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znajomi, znajomości
to endeavour
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starać się, dążyć
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to impede
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to make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to do something; utrudniać, hamować
to retrofit
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to provide a machine with a part, or a place with equipment, that it did not originally have when it was built; modernizować
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very difficult or impossible to control, manage, or solve; trudny
as clear as day
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very easy to understand, certain
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to augment the solution
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w celu wzmocnienia rozwiązania
to augment
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niewystarczający, nieodpowiedni
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cognitive capability
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zdolności poznawcze
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dozór / nadzór, inwigilacja
to bridge the affordability gap
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aby wypełnić lukę w przystępności cenowej
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szczęśliwy, pomyślny
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although, aczkolwiek
to be within reach
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być w zasięgu ręki (być osiągalne)
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niewyobrażalny, niewiarygodny, zadziwiający
to be out of your depth
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to not have the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation
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is regarded somewhat warily
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jest traktowany z pewną ostrożnością
to conjure up
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to reap consequences
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wyciągnąć konsekwencje
you reap what you sow
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kiedy się nawarzyło piwa, trzeba je wypić; kto sieje wiatr, zbiera burzę; co zasiejesz, to i żąć będziesz
household name
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a person or thing that is well known by the public.
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a person who informs on a person or organization regarded as engaging in an unlawful or immoral activity; Informator
stray dog
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bezpański pies
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to leap out at
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to immediately get the attention of (someone), rzucać się w oczy
human psyche
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ludzka psychika
to trample
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to disregard
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ignorować, lekceważyć
to get your ducks in a row
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to be well prepared or well organised for something that is going to happen
to leech (off)
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to drain the substance of (=exhaust); wyssać
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hodowla, chów, rozpłód
to open a can of worms
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to create a complicated situation in which doing something to correct a problem leads to many more problems
to tail off
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to become gradually less or smaller
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rabbit hole
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a complicated or difficult situation, especially one that is difficult to get out
to clam up
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to become silent suddenly, usually because you are embarrassed or nervous, or do not want to talk about a particular subject; milczeć
to confine
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essentially / fundamentally
an advocate
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adwokat, rzecznik, zwolennik
to chicken out
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to decide not to do something because you are too frightened; stchórzyć
to beaver away at sth
She has been beavering away at that essay for hours.
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to work hard for a long time
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to have bigger fish to fry
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to have something more important to do
to bell the cat
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to be brave enought to do something that will be good for a group that you are part of, but is dangerous or difficult
to hold your horses
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used to tell somebody to stop and consider carefully their decision or option about something
to reach new heights
Recently the speculation has reached new heights.
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to become higher than ever before; osiągnąć nowe wyżyny
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to abhor
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brzydzić się
to loathe
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nienawidzić, brzydzić się
seminal book
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przełomowa książka
to hold water
this argument just does not hold water
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to appear to be valid, sound, or reasonable
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to deem
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akin to
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podobny do
to fester
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ropieć, gnić
to fester in one's guts
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a metaphor which means a negative feeling is growing in a bad way inside you; it is causing great distress and may even give a physical stomach ache
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to be hung up on sth
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to be extremly interested in or worried by a particular subject and spend an unreasonably large amout of time thinking about it
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niechętny, ociągający się, nieochoczy
let alone
He was incapable of leading a bowling team, let alone a country.
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used to indicate that something is far less likely or suitable than something else already mentioned; nie mówiąc już o tym
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obciążający, męczący, wymagający
organisational structure
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struktura organizacyjna
to yearn
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tęsknić, westchnąć
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to choke
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zakrztusić się, zadławić się
it is ripped out of our lives
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jest wyrwane z naszego życia
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ogromny, niezmierny, rozległy, bezgraniczny
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nieskazitelny, bez zarzutu
to stick to one's guns
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upierać się przy swoim
to stifle
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stłumić, zdusić
to blend in
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wtapiać się, wmieszać się
flurry of activity
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wzmożona aktywność
to have egg on your face
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to suffer embarrassment as a result of some public failure
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the renovation and redecoration of something, especially a building; remont
to conquer our fear
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pokonać nasz strach
to mitigate our concerns
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aby złagodzić nasze obawy
worst-case scenario
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Najgorszy scenariusz
threshold fear
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próg strachu
to stifle your emotion
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stłumić swoje emocje
to go with the flow
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iść z prądem
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staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly; niezłomny, wierny, pewny, niezawodny
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if something is doable, it can be achieved or performed; wykonalny
to alleviate
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to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe; łagodzić
to vanquish
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to defeat an enemy or opponent, especially in war; zwyciężyć, pokonać
to wallow in
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to get stuck in
to burn your bridges
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spalić mosty za sobą
to break free
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uwolnić się
to turn your life around
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by zmienić swoje życie
to crave
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pragnąć, pożądać, tęsknić za czymś
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sposób myślenia
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to regress
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cofać się
All in all,...
The cruise wasn't perfect, but all in all it was pretty good.
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W sumie,...
Rejs nie był idealny, ale w sumie był całkiem niezły.
to give it a shot
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dać szansę
Explain Like I'm 5
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a request for a simple explanation to a complicated question or problem
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pale purple in colour; fiołkoworóżowy
to gratify
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oszustwo, pozorny, fikcyjny, udawany
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he is glowing
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on promienieje (radością)
to be wound up
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to be on edge / very angry or anxious
to get hitched
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to get married
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absurd, absurdalny
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nieporządny, nieprzyzwoity, niecenzuralny, nieskromny
to hit on somebody
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podrywać kogoś
over my dead body
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po moim trupie
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the equipment needed for a particular activity or way of life; akcesoria
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self-worth; poczucie własnej wartości
it's a wash
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used to say that something is equal and that one side does not have an advantage
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of crucial importance; kluczowy, rozstrzygający
the vehicle's outward and interior appearance
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wygląd zewnętrzny i wewnętrzny pojazdu
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brace yourself
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Przygotuj się
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wariat, obłąkany, szalony, niepoczytalny
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are a particular set of serious promises, such as the promises two people make when they are getting married; śluby
someone is a good catch
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someone has lots of good qualities and their partner is considered very lucky to have found them
to condone someone behaviour
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accept someone behaviour that is morally wrong, and allow it to happen; tolerować czyjeś zachowanie
I buy into something
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I believe it (something)
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a gold digger
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a person who is looking for relationship with rich people solely for the purpose of getting money or expensive things from them
to pop the question
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to propose marriage
to leave someone at the altar
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to decide against marriage at the last moment
a sham marriage
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a marriage created without love for the purpose of gaining an advantage of it; pozorne małżeństwo
a shotgun wedding
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a marriage entered into because the woman is pregnant
marriage material
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a person who possesses all the qualities of a good husband/wife
to tie the knot
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to get marriedl wstąpić w związek małżeński
to walk down the aisle
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to get married
day trading
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the activity of buying shares and selling them for a profit later in the same day
to amass
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He has amassed over $11 million in verified trading profits
a go-to
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the best person, thing, or place for a particular purpose or need
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very good; wyśmienity
a sweet tooth
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a strong liking for sweets
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drinks and small amounts of food that are provided, for example, during a meeting or a journey
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basic or standard (e.g. food); podstawowy
I prefer to eat some stable dishes like rice with fish.
I could eat a horse
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I am very hungry
to go easy on some food
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to eat some food less
that food makes my mouth water
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that food smells or looks delicious
grocery shopping
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zakupy spożywcze
to get carried away
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dać się ponieść
np emocjom
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rzeczownik odsłowny (-ing)
to grumble
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Narzekać; burczeć
My stomach is grumbling.
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ciastka, wyroby cukiernicze
to get sucked in
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zostać wciągniętym; dać się wciągnąć w
Be careful not to get sucked in by this case.
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Staple food, like bread, milk and eggs is often positioned sparsely throughout the shop.
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sprytny, podstępny, przebiegły
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pragnienie, pożądanie, zachcianka
a strong desire for something
a voice-over artist
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lektor (np. filmowy)
to chop up
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a booth
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szef kuchni
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stopping and starting again for short periods
to fast
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to eat little or no food for a period of time, usually for religious purposes
an impetus
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an influence that makes something happen
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to fancy
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mieć ochotę
to like or want something
to pig out
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to eat greedily
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a set of ideas about what is considered beautiful
to cut out
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to stop doing or eating something
Have you ever tried to cut out certain products?
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chwilowa moda
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orzeszek ziemny
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orzech laskowy
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orzech włoski
intermittent fasting
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przerywany post
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impet, rozmach, rozpęd
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to slip back
I slipped back into my old habits too quickly.
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wycofać się
Zbyt szybko wróciłem do starych nawyków.
plant-based food
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żywność na bazie roślin
sugar intake
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spożycie cukru
to foster
to foster a better understanding and cooperation between cultures
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to promote; wspierać
def: to help something to develop over a period of time; to encourage
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kuchnia jako sposób gotowania
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current affairs
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bieżące wydarzenia
present public or political events and activities
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sala konferencyjna
to frequent
The restaurant was frequented by exclusively Japanese families.
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to visit a particular place quite often; odwiedzać, gościć
W restauracji gościły wyłącznie japońskie rodziny.
International contests that test culinary expertise from around the world.
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special skills or knowledge in a particular subject; wiedza specjalistyczna
to seek (formal)
Eg 1: The campaign also sought to cultivate economic opportunities and partnership for Thai chefs. Eg 2: In the last experiment we sought to find the factor that would prevent us from getting the needed result.
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mieć na celu
def: to try to achieve something; inne znaczenie: szukać
to cultivate
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kształcić, udoskonalać
def: to work hard to develop a particular skill, attitude or quality
to allot
ex. 10 million dollars was alloted to fund the campaign
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def: to use particular amount of time for something, or give a particular share of money, space etc. to someone or something
Ministry of Economic Affairs
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Ministerstwo Spraw Gospodarczych
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to conclude
The campaign concluded with a dinner for 250 people.
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wnioskować, kończyć
preconceived notions
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z góry przyjęte (tendencyjne) założenia
biases, prejudice
to have my finger on the pulse
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trzymać rękę na pulsie
Word-of-mouth advertising
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Marketing szeptany
def: it is when a consumer's interest in a company's product or service is reflected in their daily dialogues
racial biases
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uprzedzenia rasowe
What due actions were taken?
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Jakie należyte działania zostały podjęte?
to keep the number of requests down
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aby ograniczyć liczbę żądań
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arkusz kalkulacyjny
There seems to be some sort of mix-up.
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Wygląda na to, że doszło do jakiegoś nieporozumienia.
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cooker hood
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okap kuchenny
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def: a person who owns and manages a restaurant.
to be in line with
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być w zgodzie z
dining room
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to remind of
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kojarzyć się z
to resemble / to look like
to mull over
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to think carefully about something over a period [def] of time
to back up
It's a sure thing their success is backed up by a profound corporate vision and skillful use of amazing technologies.
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wesprzeć / pomagać; zrobić kopię / back up
[def] to provide support or help to someone or something
to take on
This guy took on the book marketing role at Amazon for just 2 years
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to undertake a task or responsibility, especially a difficult one
Ten facet objął stanowisko zajmujące się marketingiem książek w Amazonie zaledwie na 2 lata
to break something down
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to make information more comprehensible by dividing it into smaller components
online retailing
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sprzedaż detaliczna online
to outshine sth
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przyćmić coś
to deprive sb of sth
HR policy deprive employees of the work-life balance.
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pozbawić kogoś czegoś
[ex] Polityka kadrowa pozbawia pracowników równowagi pomiędzy pracą a życiem prywatnym.
Amazon's ambition is really fierce
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Ambicje Amazona są naprawdę ogromne
It takes some real hard work around the clock to achieve it
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Aby to osiągnąć, potrzeba naprawdę ciężkiej pracy przez całą dobę
to weep
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Such an approach is architected to employ people for 2 years or less so as to make them go beyond their limits and get them to outperform their counterparts
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Takie podejście ma na celu zatrudnianie ludzi na okres 2 lat lub krócej, aby zmusić ich do przekroczenia swoich granic i uzyskania lepszych wyników niż ich koledzy
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punkt widzenia
a cohesive team
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zgrany zespół
to be enthused by
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być zachwyconym
silver lining
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an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation
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to mistreat
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źle traktować
to cut corners
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to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way
to stay on track
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making progress and likely to succeed in doing something or in achieving a particular result
to bite the bullet
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to force yourself to do something unpleasant or difficult, or to be brave in a difficult situation
to face up to
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stawić czoła
[def] to accept and deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant
to lag behind
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pozostawać w tyle
[def] to achieve less than someone or something else
to fawn over
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to praise someone too much and give them a lot of attention that is not sincere, in order to get a positive reaction
to come down on
Employees are expected to keep up with the competition or their supervisors will come down hard on them.
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to punish or criticize a person or activity very strongly
[ex] Od pracowników oczekuje się, że będą dotrzymywać kroku konkurencji, w przeciwnym razie ich przełożeni będą wobec nich surowi.
to spell out
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przeliterować, także: to explain something in a simple, clear way
to be dashed (hopes)
Employees hopes are likely to be dashed as the job security leaves much to be desired.
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zostać zawiedzionym (nadziejami)
Nadzieje pracowników prawdopodobnie zostaną zawiedzione, ponieważ bezpieczeństwo pracy pozostawia wiele do życzenia.
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to maneuver
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Let's not get carried away with controversy.
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Nie dajmy się zwieść kontrowersjom.
relentless policy
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bezlitosna polityka
Employer was forced to vacate.
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Pracodawca został zmuszony do zwolnienia.
company turnover
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obroty firmy; płynność kadr (rotacja pracowników)
to compel
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emotional strain
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napięcie emocjonalne
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to brush up on
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improve one's existing knowledge or skill in a particular area.
[eg.] "these private lessons will give them a chance to brush up on their technique"
to refine
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[def] to improve
to crow about
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to talk in a proud and annoying way, often because you have succeeded and other people have failed
[eg.] He's always crowing about his latest triumph.
to plod along with
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​to make very slow progress, especially with difficult or boring work
crystal clear
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krystalicznie czyste
caring relationship
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troskliwy związek
first and foremost
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przede wszystkim
a valid point
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słuszna uwaga
The company profit is in decline
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Zysk firmy spada
to stand firm
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stać twardo, nie ustępować, wytrzymać
to attain
to attain objectives
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to succeed in achieving something after trying for a long time
osiągnąć cele
seemingly simple question
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pozornie proste pytanie
a state of bliss
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stan błogości
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he remunerates me handsomely
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hojnie mnie wynagradza
it brings forth a sense of value to your world
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wnosi poczucie wartości do twojego świata
to stem from
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to root / come from
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[def] a feeling of quiet happiness and satisfaction
within one's control
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pod kontrolą
[def] in one's power
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[def] an effort to find or catch something
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[def] plenty of something
to pursue
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dążyć do czegoś
to do something or try to achieve something over a long period of time
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something succwssfull or impressive that is achieved with a lot of effort and hard work
to devaluate
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to meke someone or something seem less important or valuable
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viable alternative
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realna alternatywa
sound advice
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dobra rada, rozsądna rada
[def] a recommendation based on an objective judgement
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small and medium-sized enterprises
tax administration
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Administracja podatkowa
[def] the arrangements needed to control the process of paying taxes
to be in line with
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być w zgodzie z
[def] if something changes in line with something else, it changes in the samy way and at the same rate as it
on track
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making progress and likely to succeed
extensive functionality
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rozbudowana funkcjonalność
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bells and whistles
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niepotrzebne gadżety, bajery
[def] details that are not essentials for a device or a thing but mak it look attractive or desirable
to rack your brain
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to ponder over something for a long time
to have something at your disposal
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mieć coś do dyspozycji
it sounds appealing
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brzmi atrakcyjnie
tax rebate
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zwrot podatku
to itemize
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a validated goal
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zatwierdzony cel
to spot
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the app glitches out
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aplikacja przestaje działać
to resort to
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uciekać się do, odwołać się do
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niski poziom technologii
[def] using machines, equipment, and methods that are not the most advanced
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ostry, gwałtowny
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I can't help thinking that...
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Nie mogę przestać myśleć, że...
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the number it is getting lesser
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liczba ta jest coraz mniejsza
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zamroczony, oszołomiony
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[def] needing a lot of hard, physical effort and making you feel extremely tired
mundane task
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przyziemne zadanie
[def] very ordinary and therefore not interesting
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[def] extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination
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trudny; twardy, mocny, wytrzymały
[def] difficult to do or to deal with
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satysfakcjonujący / opłacalny
[def] giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well
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[def] boring
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[def] aimed at achieving something; determined
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[def] hard boring work
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dobrze płatna / lukratywna
to carry out
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[def] to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to
to work out
There will be a full investigation to work out what caused the accident.
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[def] to find a satisfactory way of doing something
Zostanie przeprowadzone pełne dochodzenie, które ma ustalić, co było przyczyną wypadku.
to knock off
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[def] stop working
to call off
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[def] to decide that a planned event, especially a sports event, will not happen, or to end an activity because it is no longer useful or possible
to slack off
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obijać się (np. w pracy)
[def] to work less hard or to be less than is usual or necessary
to knuckle down
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zabrać się do pracy
[def] to start working or studying hard
steady job
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stała praca
I don't feel like doing this.
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Nie mam ochoty tego robić.
These are the hallmarks of the modern job market.
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To cechy charakterystyczne współczesnego rynku pracy.
to be all or nothing person
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być osobą „wszystko albo nic”.
[def] to be the person who accepts no less than everything
to have a working knowledge
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posiadać praktyczną wiedzę
[def] to have understanding of or information about a subject that you get by experience or study
to get a grip on yourself
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[def] to make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly
completely overhauling our lives
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całkowicie zmieniając nasze życie
it is vital to use the appropriate words
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ważne jest, aby używać odpowiednich słów
to walk the walk
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[def] to show that something is true by your actions rather than your words
to be ahead of the curve
He was ahead of the curve in the early 1960s when he started promoting running for health.
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[def] to be more advanced or modern than others of their kind. To be one of the first to change to a new idea or way of doing something that later becomes generally popular.
Wyprzedził konkurencję na początku lat 60., kiedy zaczął promować bieganie dla zdrowia.
to call the shots
You're the boss here – you get to call the shots.
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[def] to be in the position of being able to make the decisions that will influence a situation. To be the person in a position to tell others what to do.
Ty tu jesteś szefem – ty decydujesz.
to dot the i's and cross the t's
The negotiations are nearly finished, but we still have to dot the i's and cross the t's.
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[def] to pay a great deal of attention to the details of something, especially when you are trying to complete a task
Madeira is the place to be.
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Madera to miejsce, w którym warto być.
movers and shakers
Silicon Valley is the place to be if you're looking for a job in IT. All the movers and shakers will be there.
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[def] people with a lot of power and influence
the powers that be
It's up to the powers that be to decide what should be done next.
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[def] important people who have authority over others
Sofia is a keen traveler.
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Sofia jest zapaloną podróżniczką.
the ability to master a variety of skills is important to any well-rounded person
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having or providing experience and knowledge in a number of different areas
umiejętność opanowania różnorodnych umiejętności jest ważna dla każdej wszechstronnej osoby
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[def] understanding of a certain area together with the ability to make good decisions in it
Active sensing refers to the concept of animals perceiving their environment while involving self-initiated motor acts.
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started by yourself and/or towards yourself; z własnej inicjatywy
Aktywne wyczuwanie odnosi się do koncepcji, zgodnie z którą zwierzęta postrzegają swoje otoczenie, angażując się w samoinicjowane czynności motoryczne.
subject-matter expertise
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Wiedza tematyczna
[def] the professional knowledge of the area relevant to the situation you find yourself in
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[def] treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent than them
His forthright manner can be mistaken for rudeness.
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szczerość ("do bólu")
[def] honest or direct in behaviour [ex] Jego szczerość można pomylić z nieuprzejmością.
to reprimand
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[def] to tell someone officially that they have done something wrong
A true leader has integrity
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Prawdziwy przywódca cechuje się uczciwością
He is widely acclaimed as
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Jest powszechnie uznawany za
to emulate
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a know-it-all
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a person who acts as though they know everything and who dismisses the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others
get/keep something in perspective
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to think about a situation or problem in a wise and reasonable way
[eg] You must keep things in perspective - the overall situation isn't really that bad.
a groundswell of opposition developed
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the sudden increase of a particular feeling among a group of people
rozwinęła się fala sprzeciwu
to enable
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to ramp up the company's turnover
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aby zwiększyć obroty firmy
The CEO was forced out
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Dyrektor generalny został zmuszony do odejścia
His calm demeanor helped to reassure the anxious crowd
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Jego spokojna postawa pomogła uspokoić zaniepokojony tłum
He assumed the role of CEO
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Objął stanowisko dyrektora generalnego
The team won in a runaway victory, scoring three times as many points as their opponents.
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highly successful; zdecydowane zwycięstwo, często z dużą przewagą
Drużyna odniosła zdecydowane zwycięstwo, zdobywając trzy razy więcej punktów niż ich przeciwnicy
fuel revenue growth
The new marketing strategy is expected to fuel revenue growth significantly over the next quarter
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napędzać wzrost przychodów
Nowa strategia marketingowa ma znacząco napędzić wzrost przychodów w następnym kwartale
to share the same vision
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dzielić tę samą wizję
She always encourages her children to stick to their values
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Zawsze zachęca swoje dzieci, aby trzymały się swoich wartości
to hold office
She will hold office as the mayor for the next four years.
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sprawować urząd
Będzie sprawować urząd burmistrza przez następne cztery lata.
a board of directors (B of D)
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a group of people who manage or direct a company or organization
She was the driving force in getting the project completed on time.
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To ona była siłą napędową doprowadzenia projektu do końca w terminie.
to be interdependent
In an interdependent world, countries rely on each other for trade, resources, and security.
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być współzależnym
W świecie wzajemnie zależnym kraje polegają na sobie nawzajem w handlu, zasobach i bezpieczeństwie.
He leveraged his position.
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Wykorzystał swoje stanowisko.
= to take advantage of his possition
They didn't get along well.
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Nie dogadywali się dobrze.
We are meant for each other.
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Jesteśmy dla siebie stworzeni.
from the ground up
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od podstaw, od zera
= from scratch
Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention
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Dziękuję za zwrócenie mi uwagi na tę sprawę
I am writing in relation to...
I am writing in relation to our recent conversation about the upcoming project.
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Piszę w związku...
Piszę w nawiązaniu do naszej niedawnej rozmowy na temat nadchodzącego projektu.
I was very concerned to learn that...
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Bardzo się zaniepokoiłem, gdy dowiedziałem się, że...
to descend
The hikers began to descend the mountain as the sun started to set.
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schodzić, opadać, zejść w dół
Wędrowcy zaczęli schodzić z góry, gdy słońce zaczęło zachodzić
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osadzony, wbudowany, wkomponowany
it becomes all the more difficult
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staje się to coraz trudniejsze
to yield significant results
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przynieść znaczące rezultaty
global acumen
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umiejętność lub zdolność do zrozumienia i efektywnego działania w międzynarodowym, globalnym środowisku biznesowym, społecznym lub politycznym
stepping stone
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[idiom] krok lub etap w drodze do osiągnięcia celu lub sukcesu; kamień milowy
to adhere to
The restaurant adheres to strict hygiene standards to ensure the safety of its customers.
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trzymać się, przestrzegać lub być wiernym określonej zasadzie, standardowi, lub zaleceniu
Restauracja przestrzega surowych standardów higieny, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo swoich klientów.
to strive
The organization strives to provide the best possible service to its customers
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Organizacja dąży do świadczenia jak najlepszej obsługi dla swoich klientów
to fall short
We tried our best, but we still fell short of our fundraising goal.
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to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment; zawieść
Robiliśmy wszystko, co w naszej mocy, ale nadal nie udało nam się osiągnąć naszego celu zebrania funduszy.
to stretch out the truth
He tends to stretch out the truth when telling stories about his past achievements.
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naciągać prawdę
Ma skłonność do wyolbrzymiania prawdy, opowiadając historie o swoich przeszłych osiągnięciach.
to tarnish
1. The silverware began to tarnish after being exposed to air. 2. The scandal tarnished his reputation.
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1. matowieć, tracić blask, 2. niszczyć reputację, plamić
1. The silverware began to tarnish after being exposed to air. (Srebra zaczęły matowieć po wystawieniu na powietrze. 2. Skandal zniszczył jego reputację.
to play the scandal down
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zbagatelizować skandal (przedstawić go jako mniej ważnego lub mniej poważnego, niż jest w rzeczywistości)
to issue an apology
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wystosować przeprosiny
He offered a warm salutation to all the guests as they arrived.
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Przywitał wszystkich gości ciepłym pozdrowieniem, gdy przybyli.
turn-by-turn directions
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szczegółowe wskazówki nawigacyjne, które opisują każdy zakręt i krok, jaki trzeba podjąć, aby dotrzeć do celu podróży (często używane w kontekście systemów nawigacji GPS)
extent of disappointment
we understand the extent of disappointment we caused you
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skala rozczarowania
rozumiemy skalę rozczarowania, jakie Ci sprawiliśmy
to tarnish reputation
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zaszkodzić lub zniszczyć reputację
as a friendly gesture
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jako przyjazny gest
to knock around
We used to knock around together during the summer holidays.
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to spend a lot of time with someone
Zwykliśmy spędzać dużo czasu razem podczas wakacji letnich.
to keep oneself to oneself
The new neighbor keeps herself to herself, rarely seen outside her apartment.
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to stay apart from other people; to avoid other people
Nowa sąsiadka trzyma się na uboczu, rzadko widywana poza swoim mieszkaniem.
a safe pair of hands
The company chose her to lead the new project because she's a safe pair of hands.
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someone who you can trust to do an important job well, without making mistakes
Firma wybrała ją do prowadzenia nowego projektu, ponieważ jest osobą godną zaufania.
to bond
The team bonded during the retreat, which improved their collaboration.
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tworzyć lub wzmacniać więzi emocjonalne lub relacyjne z kimś
Zespół zintegrował się podczas wyjazdu integracyjnego, co poprawiło ich współpracę.
to reciprocate
She always reciprocates kindness with kindness.
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to share the same feelings as someone else, or to behave in the same way as someone else; odwzajemniać
Zawsze odwzajemnia życzliwość życzliwością.
to outstay/overstay one's welcome
Please don't overstay your welcome; we have other guests arriving soon.
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to be no longer welcome to stay in a place because one has stayed too long, been impolite, etc.
Proszę nie przesadzaj z długim pobytem; wkrótce przychodzą inni goście.
to not be on speaking terms
They had a disagreement last month and haven't been on speaking terms since.
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If you are not on speaking terms with someone, you refuse to speak to them because you are angry with them.
Mieli sprzeczkę w zeszłym miesiącu i od tego czasu nie rozmawiają ze sobą.
people from all walks of life
People from all walks of life attended the conference.
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ludzie ze wszystkich środowisk
W konferencji uczestniczyli ludzie ze wszystkich środowisk.
to hit it off
They met at the party and immediately hit it off.
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to get along well; become friends; dobrze się rozumieć, dobrze się dogadywać
Poznali się na imprezie i od razu między sobą zaiskrzyło.
to pitch in
We all need to pitch in to make this project successful.
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to start to do something as part of a group, especially something helpful; wspomóc, włożyć swoje trzy grosze
Wszyscy musimy się zaangażować, aby ten projekt odniósł sukces.
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uprzejmy, przyjazny
[def] friendly, easy to talk to
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w gorszej sytuacji społecznej
[def] opisuje osoby lub grupy, które mają mniej korzyści, zasobów lub możliwości w porównaniu do innych
He felt ill at ease during the formal dinner
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Czuł się nieswój podczas formalnej kolacji
at our expense
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na nasz koszt
dressed for the elements
[ex] Hikers should always be dressed for the elements when venturing into the mountains.
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dressed according to the weather conditions
[def] oznacza to, że ktoś jest ubrany tak, aby być przygotowanym na różne warunki pogodowe, takie jak deszcz, śnieg, wiatr lub zimno [ex] Wędrowcy zawsze powinni być ubrani odpowiednio do warunków atmosferycznych, gdy wybierają się w góry.
conducive to
[ex] A quiet environment is conducive to studying.
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providing the right condition for something good to happen or exist; sprzyjający, przyczyniający się do
[ex] Ciche otoczenie sprzyja nauce.
to be lost on someone
[ex] The joke was lost on him because he didn't understand the context.
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if a joke or remarks is lost on someone, the do not understand it; być niezrozumiałym dla kogoś, nie zostać zauważonym przez kogoś
[ex] Żart był dla niego niezrozumiały, ponieważ nie znał kontekstu.
is bound to success
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jest skazane na sukces
to strike up a conversation
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nawiązać rozmowę
accomplished chess player
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znakomity szachista
to make ends meet
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związać koniec z końcem
to shake things up
[ex] We need to shake things up in our marketing approach to attract more customers.
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podjąć działanie mające na celu wprowadzenie radykalnych zmian w obecnej sytuacji lub środowisku w celu poprawy sytuacji lub efektywności
[ex] Musimy wprowadzić zmiany w naszym podejściu marketingowym, żeby przyciągnąć więcej klientów.
it can't hurt to try it
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nie zaszkodzi spróbować
tight-knit community
[ex] They live in a close-knit community where neighbors help each other.
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zwarta społeczność; grupa ludzi, którzy są blisko związani emocjonalnie, wspierają się nawzajem i często wspólnie uczestniczą w różnych działaniach
[ex] Mieszkają w zwartej społeczności, gdzie sąsiedzi pomagają sobie nawzajem.
it bugs me that
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wkurza mnie to że
they had words with each other
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rozmawiali ze sobą
to do something in no time
We'll be there in no time.
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zrobić coś w mgnieniu oka
Będziemy tam w mgnieniu oka.
double bassist
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to have some recollections
He had some recollections of the event, but couldn't remember all the details.
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mieć pewne wspomnienia, przypominać sobie coś
Miał pewne wspomnienia z wydarzenia, ale nie mógł sobie przypomnieć wszystkich szczegółów.
intrusive attitude
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natrętna postawa
the sense of belonging
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poczucie przynależności
shared interests
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wspólne zainteresowania
I found a package on my doorstep this morning.
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próg (domu, budynku)
Znalazłem paczkę na swoim progu dziś rano.
to buddy up with someone
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zaprzyjaźnić się z kimś
spreading rumours about me behind my back
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rozsiewanie plotek o mnie za moimi plecami
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to mark the occasion
We threw a big party to mark the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.
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uczcić okazję, upamiętnić wydarzenie
Zorganizowaliśmy dużą imprezę, aby uczcić okazję ich 50. rocznicy ślubu.
housewarming party
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nosey neighbour
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wścibski sąsiad
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to scrape away
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grubby place
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brudne miejsce

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