Szupica idiom of the day spring semester

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Domanda English Risposta English
to turn a blind eye
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to pretend not to see; not to pay attention
to turn a deaf ear to
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to pretend not to hear; refuse to hear
off the top of one's head
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quickly, without thinking hard
to keep one's eye on the ball
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to keep one's eye on the ball in inglese
to be watchful and ready to win or succeed; to be smart
word of mouth
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communication by oral rather than written means; given or done by people talking about sth or telling people about sth
in words of one syllable
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language that makes the meaning very clear; simple, frank language
to take one's word for
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to believe one's promise
to take one up on sth
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to make someone keep a promise
jack of all trades (master of none)
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a person who is knowledgeable in many areas; can be used as a praise or as a derogatory remark
to cross a bridge before one comes to it
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to deal with a situation when, and not before, it occurs; to worry about future events or trouble before they happen
to add insult to the injury
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to make a situation worse
to cost an arm and a leg
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to be very expensive
culture vulture
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a person who is avid cultural sightseer; one who seeks out cultural opportunities ostentatiously and brags about it
scratch the surface
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to learn or understand very little about sth
scratch one's back
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to do sth kind and helpful for someone
steal one's thunder
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to do or say sth intensionally or not, that another person has planned to say or do
to put all eggs in one basket
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to risk everything by placing too many hopes on one job or project
to kill the goose that lays the golden egg
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to destroy sth that is profitable or valuable to you
you cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs
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in order to get what you want you have to give up sth else; you can't have it both ways
to walk on eggs/eggshells
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to be very cautious
to brainstorm
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to have a discussion among fellow researchers/coworkes/students on a project/problem in order to find the best solution
a brainstorm
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a sudden clear idea, a sudden insight, a stroke of comprehension
a brain trust
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a group of specially trained, highly intelligent experts in a give field
to brainwash
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to change sb's way of thinking by constantly bombarding them with the desired information under duress (until the victim believes what they are being told)
to be brainy
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to be able to learn easily and think quickly
the silent majority
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a majority of people holding a certain opinion but not stating it publicly
silent partner
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somebody who's closely associated with a business, through financial investment so as to share in its risks and rewards without participating in its day-to-day operations and manegement
reduce one/sth to silence
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to cause one to become silent, especially after being nosy or outspoken
heave atmosphere
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a very tense, awkward or uncomfortable atmosphere among a group of people
pregnant pause
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a long pause in speech that indicates a lot of meaning or significance
to scrape the bottom of the barrel
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to use whatever is left after the most or the best has been taken
by the skin of one's teeth
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by a narrow margin, with no room to spare, barely
to swear by
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use as the support or authority that what you're saying is truthful; take an oath upon; to have complete confidence in; to be sure of; trust completely
swear off
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to give up sth you like or you got in the habit of using by making a promise
to swear blind
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to make a very serious, solemn pledge, especially that one is telling the truth
every trick in the book
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to do everything possible to achieve a result or to be successful at sth
a closed book
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to convey that there is limited knowledge about a particular subject or individual
cook the books
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to falsify facts or figures; to change accounts or figures dishonestly normally to make money
book smart
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to be very smart or successful in scholastic way, but not in real world interactions
we'll cross the bridge when we come to it
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let's not talk about that problem right now
wrap your head around sth
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understand sth complicated
you can say that again
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that's true, I agree
your guess is as good as mine
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i have no idea
don't beat a dead horse
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move on, the subject is over
every dog has his day
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everyone gets a chance at least once
familiarity breeds concept
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the better you know someone the less you like him

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