Synonyms for the adjective "bad"

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Domanda English Risposta English
very unpleasant or bad
I feel _______, perhaps I should go to the doctor.
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I feel terrible, perhaps I should go to the doctor.
very unpleasant or bad
I forgot about her birthday and I feel _______ now.
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I forgot about her birthday and I feel horrible now.
very unpleasant or bad
This movie was _______!
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This movie was awful!
of bad quality or a low standard
My driving skills are _______. I failed driving test 7 times.
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My driving skills are hopeless. I failed driving test 7 times.
of bad quality or a low standard
I knew something bad had happened by _______ expression he had on his face.
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also: sad
I knew something bad had happened by the miserable expression he had on his face.
very unpleasant or bad
Cheating on the exam was a _______ mistake.
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also: sad, shocking
Cheating on the exam was a dreadful mistake.
of bad quality or a low standard
He asked her out even though he knew she isn't single. It's _______.
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He asked her out even though he knew she isn't single. It's pathetic.
very unpleasant or bad
What a _______ weather.
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What a shitty weather.
very unpleasant or bad
It's _______ you had to change your plans because of work.
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It's crap you had to chage your plans because of work.
of bad quality or a low standard
The food they serve is _______, let's go somewhere else.
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The food they serve is poor, let's go somewhere else.
below expectations
Apparently, my results were _______ for my parents.
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Apparently, my results were unsatisfactory for my parents.
Your child's behaviour is _______.
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Your child's behaviour is unacceptable.
not appropriate in a particular situation
The joke he made was _______.
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The joke he made was inappropriate.
of bad quality or a low standard
The salary they offered me was _______.
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The salary they offered me was laughable.
unlucky or having bad effects
It is so _______ that you broke your leg just before the competition.
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It is so unfortunate that you broke your leg just before the competition.
very serious
Racism is a _______ problem.
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Racism is a grave problem.
very serious
The accident he has had turns out to be _______.
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The accident he has had turns out to be severe.
not very good
She went to a _______ school.
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also: third-rate
She went to a second-rate school.
extremely unpleasant or bad
Never before have I eaten something so _______.
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Never before have I eaten something so horrendous.
very bad
I can't believe you've bought this painting. It's _______!
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also: very deep
I can't believe you've bought this painting. It's abysmal!
extremely bad, unpleasant or shocking
I won't be surprised if I have nightmares after all these _______ stories.
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I won't be surprised if I have nightmares after all these gruesome stories.

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